Chapter 1

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Melodi's P.O.V

I stumbled through trees and brush running as fast as my drugged body would allow me. I have to get away! The thought raced through my mind.

I broke out of the trees into the open. Stretching out in front of me was a beautiful sparkling blue lake. The wind blew softly creating little ripples on the water. My knees buckled as I knelt down to dip my fingers in the cool refreshing liquid.

My head felt heavy the drugs were taking full control over my body and they dragged me away into a dreamless sleep.


Goku's P.O.V

Me and Goten were walking back to our house to get ready for Trunks' birthday party when Goten yelled loudly in my ears (he was on my shoulders) "Look it's a monster!" He pointed at a small brown and purple lump laying by the lake.

I walked over to it, Goten scrambled off of me and bent over the strange creature. "What is it?" He asked. I rolled it over and pressed my ear to it's chest to see if it was still alive. A very faint heartbeat emanated from it's chest. "It's still alive." I picked the small creature up and turned to Goten. "I'm going to bring her to Bulma she might beable to help. You tell your mom and meet me there later." "Yes, sir." He flew off to tell Chichi.


Bulma's P.O.V

"Bulma!" I heard someone yell from the direction of my lab. "What the....?" I asked walking in there. "Goku? What are you doing here? The party's not for four hours." "I found something by the lake it's alive but something's wrong with her, I was hoping you could help." I looked at the small bundle in his arms. "I'll see what I can do."



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