Land of the Sun

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There's a place in this world where the sun meets the sea.  A small unknown island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. With rushing streams and dense forests, the island of the sun is a place where all animals and plants can live peacefully. When humans started to become destructive they were banished from the island, and the humans now know it to be nothing more than a legend.

This is where we meet Jake. Jake is a normal human, with normal grades, and normal hobbies. One of those hobbies is to go fishing with his father. On May 23rd, they went fishing. It was 2:08 when the storm struck. Thrashing waters, dark clouds, and swirling seafoam was all Jake could see.

Jake woke up to water lapping at his feet, and the sun warm on his back. Jake sat up only to find that he was alone. He walked around the beach, but he couldn't find anyone. Crumpling to his knees, he started to cry. There was no one around to see him cry, except for that tiny horse with wings.

"Wait... A HORSE WITH WINGS?! No. Those don't exist, right? I've got to be dreaming". He closed his eyes and pinched himself. "I'm pretty sure I don't have a tiny horse plushie... Nope definitely not a dream"

Jack stood up and walked into the forest. The trees seemed to part before him as he walked forward. He stepped over a small brook and came to a cave. A small squirrel-like creature, a randler to be exact, chattered at him as he walked around, looking at everything. This cave seemed to be strangely immaculate. From dried herbs and flowers organized in an alcove to moss bedding in the corner, everything just seemed strange. 

Jake left the cave and ventured out back into the forest. He spent the rest of his day wandering around. He had fun playing in the fields and eating all the delicious berries. As the sun set, Jake had the urge to go back to to that cave. It seemed to be calling to him.

The trees guided him back towards the cave. As he rounded a corner, he could see a soft glow coming from inside the cave. He entered to find the one and only sun. That was when he knew where he was. He was on that mythical island, he was in the land of the sun. 

The sun looked at him with kind eyes, and Jake knew that he had to leave. This place should be maintained, it should stay the way it was before Jake was here. Jake nodded, and the sun placed a small object in his palm before a gentle wind swept him off his feet and into the sky.

Jake woke with a start and stared at his ceiling. "It was a dream after all" He got up and brushed his teeth and went downstairs. He stuffed his hands into his pockets only to find a sand dollar with an engraving of the sun on the back.

It wasn't a dream.

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