Chapter One

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(A/N: I don' tknow what happens with Maka and Soul romanticly buuuuut I ship them so, yea. Also, Liz and Patty are Kid's weapons, but she just matches w/ everyone because I didn't have the brain capacity to make another OC -///-)

I walk up the stairs to the large Academy. A boy with white hair and a girl with dark blonde or light brown hair stood at the top of the stairs. The girl was reading but she wore a black trench coat, yellow shirt with a green and white striped tie, and a red plaid skirt. The boy had a yellow and black Varsity jacket with an orange orb with a zig-zag mouth, his pants were red and his shoes yellow, a head band on his bangs, making them point down. I considered him cute, maybe even hot but something told me he liked the girl.

"Hey, Maka. There she is." The girl looked up and closed her book. "She's pretty cute, but, I'm probably too cool for her."

"Maka... CHOP!" Maka, apparently, brought her book down hard onto the boy's head. He crumpled and a strange rectangular indent was left where the book hit him. When I reached the top, the girl held out her hand. "I'm Maka. This is Soul, sorry about his behavior."

I took her hand and smiled. "I'm Soturi, but you can call me Turi. My name's weird, I know." I looked down at Soul and giggled. "I'm guessing you do that a lot?"

Maka giggled as well. "He usually deserves it. So, are you looking forward to spending time here at the DWMA?" She and I started walking into the school. Soul groaned and got up, a small trickle of blood on his forehead.

"Oh yes. I've heard so many things about it. Are you a Weapon or Meister?" I asked her softly. She smiled and answered.

"I am a Meister. Soul's my weapon. He's a Scythe. What about you?" She asked me. I tried to imagine Soul being a Scythe. It turns out, he'd make a pretty good one.

"Weapon. I turn into an Emerald Machete." I turn my arm into the green blade to show them.

"Oh, neat. But doesn't 'Soturi' mean Warrior in Latin?" She flips to a page in her book and shows me.

"Yes, my dad named me that. My twenty-seven greatest grand-father was a Latin warrior or something." I sigh and my arm flashes green and turns back into a flesh human limb.

"That's cool. We need to see Death. Well, you need to see Death; we just need to show you where he is. He's in a room called the Death Room." Soul sort of scared me when he talked out of nowhere, but one of those scares you don't notice.

We walk in silence until we reach what they call the Death Room. We bid our goodbyes and I turn to Lord Death. "Hello, hello Soturi! Safe travels, I hope?"

"Yes, Lord Death. Thank you for accepting me into your Academy. My parents are very proud." I smile and my emerald ponytail bounces.

"Ah, they should be. You are a very special Weapon. Just as there are very special Meisters. But you seem to not have a Meister." He puts his white blocky hand to his, er, chin and thinks.

"I must not match any soul wave-lengths yet, I suppose." I look down at my green Converse High-Tops.

"Yes, that is true. But I saw that you matched quite well with Maka. She has a weapon, though. Hmm... curious, curious indeed..."

I start to panic. What if they made a mistake and I wasn't supposed to be here? I can't leave! I hear footsteps and I sink to the ground. "Father, there is a girl on the floor of the Death Room... she's making it asymmetrical. Shall I rid her of our presence?"

I look up and my breath catches, he was disturbingly cute. By the looks of it, he was fourteen, bt he dressed much older. A black suit with a broach or something like Death's mask where a tie should be, white rectangles on the seams of the arms and where the btton should be. His middle fingers wore rings with the mask of Death as well. His hair was black but bore three white lines on the left side of his head.

"Hi." I blinked and stood up, blushing. He smiled at me and I blushed deeper.

"Hello." He turns his attention back to his father. Death has a son? "Never mind father. I see she is the new Student."

"Yes, now I must do some chores. Kid, would be so kind to show Turi around school? Good, you didn't really have a choice anyway. Goodbye, children."

We walk out in silence. I break it after we exit the room. "I like your hair. Makes you look kind of cute..." Oh Glob, did I really just say that?! It doesn't make him kind of cute, it makes him extremely cute.

"Thanks, I like your symmetry. It brings out what I like." He smiles at me again. Oh, I would die if he kissed me. "That was the Death Room, by the way. We re now headed to Professor Stein's classroom. After that, the Mess Hall, cafeteria, lunch room, whatever you prefer. And then, there's the infirmary. Then I shall take you home, show you around there and then you lead a normal life, like the rest of us. Do you have a Meister or Weapon?" He looks at me quizzically.

"I am a Weapon, but to answer your question: No, but Death, your dad, said that I matched really well with Maka. She had Soul though. Are you Meister, or Weapon?" My hand brushes his on accident and I see a slight blush appear in his cheekbones, as does mine redden as well.

"Meister. Father said your name was Turi, right? I am Kid Death, or Death the Kid. Just call me Kid though." He holds out a hand.

"Yes, but my full name is Soturi. It means /Warrior/ in Latin." I take his hand and shake it. It was warm.

"So, Father said Stein would know where to place you? There are plenty of seats open in the classroom, so even if you did get put somewhere you didn't want to be, you could move without getting in trouble." He motions with his hands, just as his father did. When we turn, a door ten feet tall sits in front of us. He opens it and everyone was in a group if two. Maka with Soul, if course.

"Yes, our new student has arrived. Everyone, say hello to Soturi Theaton." A man with grey hair and a scar blow his left eye welcomes me into the class. People wave and say hi but I really don't notice, I automatically give a small wave.

Kid goes back to his seat as I stand shyly at the front of the room. Stein apparently didn't know where to put me, so he sees Kid doesn't have a partner. I internally pray that I don't sit by him, but I know him better than any if the other teens.

"Kid, you'll be with Soturi, show her what we have been doing for the past few days." He looks up frantically, and we lock eyes. He kicks a boy who was sitting beside him out of the chair and pulls it out for me, while he was sitting down though.

"KID, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" The boy yelled. His his hair was a turquoise color, same with his eyes. I gathered him as annoying right away. He wore some kind of outfit, something I couldn't explain.

"Calm down Black Star, the new girl knows me better than she knows you, so Stein placed her with me." Kid nods and holds the chair out again.

"But how could she not know of the fantastic Black Star? I am a huge celebrity, after all." He grins, I groan silently.

"Well I suppose you can just go work with your partner over there." I point to an empty space big enough for the two of them. His partner was female, and she had Dark Black hair. Her eyes were violet, like mine.

"Yea, I guess. Come on Tsubaki! Adventure!" He laughed and bounded to the space, Tsubaki in tow. Now it was just us two, now.

"So, Kid, what have we been doing for the past few days?" I brush a stray hair out of my face and smile. "Oh, you got something on your face..." No he doesn't. I brush a spot on his cheek, and I feel it warming. His skin was so soft. I feel my weird streak showing, so I take my hand away.

"Er, thanks. We mostly have been working on getting along with our partners. Neither Luz or Patty are here today, so you can practice with me. Okay, so tell me about yourself." He smiles and looks genuinely interested.

"Um, well. I turn into an Emerald Machete, my favorite color is Silver, I have never been in an actual battle, I've been single my entire life, I still sleep with a stuffed tiger and I would never ask Black Star, over there, on a date." I list off things about me and he nods, seeming to be amused a small tiny bit.

"I am a Meister, my favorite color is Symmetry Black, I've also been free of relationship of my fourteen years, I don't sleep with any stuffing filled animals and I would not ask Maka Albarn on a date." He replies to what I listed off and I giggle.

"Who would you ask out?" I waggle my eyebrows and he blushes. Argh, why did I have to say that? /Because he's cute when he blushes./

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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