The drive downtown took longer than expected.

We made it, I stepped out, with help of an officer, and he led me to the entrance.

Hearing a car pull up I looked behind me.

My mother steeped out frantically.

We all stepped inside.

Seeing the metal detectors, I felt a vibe of trouble fill my body.

I'm going down.

"Sit her down right her Stan, I'm going to go book her in "Greg said walking away.

Giving me enough time to get rid of the gun, my mind didn't give me a good reason of how.

I scanned the room for an answer.

That's it!

I looked to Stan who was reading a magazine in the corner.

"I really have to go use the bathroom, is it possible if I can make a quick run" I asked

Unsure whether he should or shouldn't he let me go, but followed me there.

"You want to come in to?" I asked jokingly.

He kept a serious face "Hurry up"

Not caring about his attitude I was happy I wouldn't be charged with anything else.

I closed the door.

Lifting the gun from my pockets I went to the paper towel dispenser and wrapped the gun with paper towel.

Not really wanting to get rid of the gun I placed it all the way at the bottom of the trash can, and laid a lot of paper towel on top.

Not making it to obvious I flushed the toilet and washed my hands opening the door, Stan was waiting at the metal detectors.

"Let's go" he said

I walked freely through the metal detectors, not beeping once, and walked through the two black double doors.

"Ms. Emerson, you are here for, selling marijuana to an officer" said a lady in black and white. "I looked at your records and your school records, you were never found of doing anything like this.

I nodded my head, while watching my mother's emotions.

She was confused.

"Finding the substance in your home would result in bigger problems but you didn't have a lot of substance to put you behind bars. We are letting you off easy, a slap on the wrist, next time, you will do time, but you do have to pay a $300 fine, for selling to an officer."

Wanting to say "I didn't know it was an officer "I kept my mouth shut and agreed.

Getting the receipt to pay the fine, my mother and I left the building, nearly forgetting about the gun I went back.

Getting to the bathroom, I reached in the trash and retrieved the gun, putting it safely back into my pants under my hoodie.

Thank god I didn't have to go through a metal detector on my way out.

Reaching outside I see Mr. Green talking to my mother. Not wanting to interrupt their conversation, I walked down the stairs and sat on the bench , close enough to hear.

"You had weed, in the house?" Mr. Green asked furiously.

" Alton, I didn't know anything like this was going to happen" she said defensively.

"What you mean? So you having weed in the house, you didn't think they'll find out?"

"They wouldn't have if your daughter wasn't selling weed to a undercover cop"

"She was doing what!"

Shocked at what I just heard, I had to replay it over in my head .

"Your daughter, your daughter, your daughter?"

Joking at the comment I bypassed it and kept eavesdropping.

"She was selling marijuana to an undercover cop !"

"How she get the weed? I didn't give it to her, did you?"

"Alton, of course I didn't, and none of my weed ever went missing"

"Did you even tell her the truth yet?"

Hearing what he said, I replayed back the dinner we had just a minute ago, when my mother was going to tell me something, but what...

It all came together.

"You're my father!" I screamed getting up walking to my mother, and Mr. Green.

Jumping at the sound of my yelling they both turned to my direction.

"Oh hey honey, didn't know you was there" my mom said trying to switch the subject.

Ignoring what she said I asked the question again.

"Are you my father?" I asked Mr. Green.

Taking a deep breath he let it out

"Yes, Toya, I am your father" he said trying to comfort me.

I snatched back before he came to touch me; I chuckled and folded my arms.

"Toya, please don't-"

"Don't what? Don't get mad! Don't say anything? Mom what the hell do you expect me to do , call him dad and move on ... You been keeping this a secret from me for 19 years , well played ... and you "Mr. Green , what's your excuse? You were to young ... you know what, what else are you hiding? Are you even my real mother?"

She looked at me with a shock in her eyes.

"Hey Toya don't talk to your mother like that"

Looking at him with disgust.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do, you're NOT my father, my father's dead... sick joke!" I walked away.

My mother still standing the there in shock, Mr.Green walked toward me.

"Hey, I'm sorry you had to find out this way" he said reaching me.

I turned to his direction.

"Who idea was it?" I said.

" I wanted to see you , I wanted to be in your life , but your mother kept me away, she thought that her boyfriend was going to kill me if he found out you wasn't his , so she kept me away... Every time I wanted to see you, it would be when you are walking into the store wanting a piece of candy, the minutes you spent in my store, was it... after that... You were calling someone else daddy. "

Still not believing any of this, I got enraged.

"How dare you blame that on my mother? She's sick, she lost her husband, instead of manning up and saying it's your fault, you blame it on my mother?!"

"I'm not blaming anything on your mother, it's the truth!" he said.

"Why haven't you told me? Why did you keep it a secret, since you wanted me to be in your life, you could have told me?"

"Your mother always said she would, giving her the benefit of the doubt, I left it up to her"

Getting fed up with the lies I walk away, and make a phone call.

"Hey wassup gorgeous?" A voice said, with music playing loudly in the back.

"Is the party still on tonight?" I asked.

"Baby girl, you know you hear that music in the back, come threw"

"The same hotel right?"


"Ok I'm on my way"

Knowing I would regret this party, I had to get wasted or high, to get me away from this nightmare.

Catching the bus, I made my way to the hotel.





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