Just a Game

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"Mom, Kailene won't give me my quarter back!" Darnell shouted. Ugh her voice killed me. So squeaky and annoying.

"Hey, Darnell, watch this. You can't tell anyone, okay?" she nodded. I took my wand out of my boot. I whisped it around her quarter and it changed to a dollar. She stared at it with a blank face.

"Mom, Kailene just ruined my quarter!" she said and stomped up stairs. I shrugged and trailed into the kitchen. That child was such a tattle tell. I was the last one with powers in this place. The most i wanted to do was use them. And plus, i made it into a dollar. Pu-lease!

I opened the cabinet and got me a choco chip bar. My favorite. "Oh, yea. Come to mama." I said. i opened the chco bar and stared at it as my mouth watered. This was going to be good. i took my first bite and almost fainted. It was.........horrible.

"Who bought this brand?!" I shouted spitting in it the sink. It tasted all minty with chocolate and nuts. Ew!

"I did." My brother, Jonas, came running donw stairs.

"Your...discusting!" I shouted. "That tastes like dirt."

"Earthy." He said taking another bite of his. I gagged an trailed up to my room. this was getting tiring. there was nothing to do. Percect. i mean like, perfect idea came to mind.


"Why else would i click it? Yes." Really? Why else would i click it if i didn't want to play it. Stupid. That was my brother and my 2 sisters. The game started as me with the hottest pink and black dress on. It was an anime me so i looked extra good. i made myslef walk into the gem palace. I wanted to do something fun so i made it the evil chocolate bars palace. though it was pretty. Wrong  move, kaitlene. The choco bar sat in its throne.

"You nasty choco bar." I mumbled.

"you have come to t wrong place."

"What the hell doe sit mean i came to the wrong place?" i asked myself.

"We will conquer the world."


"Wanna play a game?" i went crazy. What the heck did it mean? I was in the middle of the game. What does it mean do you wnana play a game. I threw the tablet and it hit my wall and broke. i didn't even realize the green sparks that came form it . So there i was when i heard my mom scream my name.

"KAITLENE!!!" Was it about that dumb quarter. I turned it into a dollar.

"Yea?" I answered.

"Get down here, Child." i was 18, what are you talking about child.

I stumbled down stairs in a mix of confusion. "Ye-" i stopped. jumping of the couchs and hanging off chandelier were a bunch of baby mint bars. I looked around surprised.

"Would you like to explain this?" My father asked.

"Uh, yea. Oops." I smiled nervously. I was in trouble.

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