Chapter 3: Gotta Love Old And Grumpy

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Zac Efron is Landon

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

I blindly try to find the button to turn off the alarm. Why do I even have an alarm? It's summer and I should be able to enjoy it without my sleep getting interrupted.

Ah-ha! I found the button! Now I wish that I could go back into my beautiful slumber- that was so rudely interrupted- but once I'm awake, I can't find myself dreaming once again.

I sit up and check my phone to see the time and notice it's 11:35 am on June 15th.

Oh shit. I have that stupid meeting and I only have twenty-five minutes to get ready.

I hurriedly throw on my black pencil skirt and my white button down shirt. After I tuck my shirt into my skirt, I slip on my black opened toed flats and I put in some silver hoop earrings.

I quickly curl my hair and throw on some light makeup.

Now that I'm ready to go within a matter of ten minutes, I grab my black blazer and head downstairs.

Before I go out of the door, I call out to my parents, "Bye mom, bye dad!" When I don't receive an answer, I remember that they still work in  the summer.

I head out of the front door and I get in my red convertible. I steadily slip the key into the ignition, but when I turn the key, my car makes three loud dings and doesn't start. I make a second attempt, but I am presented with the same results.

I bang my head against the steering wheel and sigh. And there you have it, what life likes to hand me on the silver platter. How am I supposed to get to the stupid meeting now? I can't call my parents because they're working. My sister and my best friend are still on vacation, so they are unavailable. Ugh. Who am I going to call?

Then it struck me. Landon. Well, no, he didn't physically strike me, but he mentally struck my mind.

I hope he isn't too busy right now. If he can't take me, I'm going to call in sick to the meeting. But I guess it's worth a shot.

I speed dial Landon's number and wait patiently for him to answer. He picks up after two rings.

"Hello," a groggily voice answers.

"Hey Landon, its Fiona," I reply.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" his voice perks up.

"So, I have this stupid meeting to get to for my job, but my dumb car won't start and I was wondering if you would be kind enough to... umm... take me there?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah, I'll take you there. You're parents are still living in the same place, right?"

"Yeah, they are."

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes," Landon replies through the phone.

"Alright. See ya in a few." I hang up and step out of my car. I sit on the porch and wait for Landon to arrive.

Once he arrives in his black SUV, I walk to his car and get into the passenger seat.

I take in my surroundings of the SUV and notice that in the back seat there is a magenta car seat meant for a young child and a large bag that is over flowed with toys and other baby care items.

"What's all of the baby stuff for?" I ask looking at Landon.

"Oh... its umm... its," he stutters almost like he's nervous to tell me, "it's for my umm niece that I umm babysit sometimes," he answers, not meeting my gaze.

"Oh, cool."

After a long pause of silence, Landon finally speaks up, "So, what's this stupid meeting for anyway?" he asks.

"It's like one of these meetings that they have at the end of each school year to go over students' grades and what to expect for next year. It was supposed to be on the last day of school but it was cancelled for some unknown reason. But the thing is, they are so boring because most of the professors there are really old and grumpy," I explain.

"Gotta love old and grumpy," he replies sarcastically with a cheeky smile, " how come you've been staying at your parent's house?"

I really didn't know if I was ready to tell anyone else what had happened between me and Ian, but I really didn't like lying because my parents didn't raise a liar. So, I'll just do what I do best and that is stalling.

"What is this, twenty questions?" I laugh nervously.

"Oh come on, answer the question, Cinder."

"Oh my gosh. You did not just use that nickname!" I reply hastily, lifting my hand up to my forehead.

That nickname was given to me by Landon back in middle school because we use to sneak out in the middle of the night and hang out in this treehouse. And one night I was hurrying to get back home and I lost my one tattered flip flop along the way. The next day Landon came knocking on my door with the flip flop and literally put back on my foot like in the movie Cinderella. The nickname, Cinder, had stuck since then.

"I did and I will use it again if you don't answer my question," he replies, cheekily.

"Alright, fine. So, I found my ex-fiancé cheating me but I probably would have never found out if the meeting had not been cancelled," I explain while keeping my gaze towards the window.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pestered you about. I'm so stupid," he apologizes.

"Don't worry, its fine. You couldn't have known beforehand," I say.

In a few short minutes we pull up to the university but before I step out, Landon asks, "Will you need a ride back home?"

"Umm, yeah I will. It ends at 3:30. Thanks you so much."

"No problem. See you later."

"Yeah. See ya," I give a small wave as I walk into the university.

A look of regret spills on to Landon's face and I wonder why.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!  Don't forget to comment and vote!!! Have a terrificul ( reference to Ramona and Beezus ) day!!!!

Question: What do you think of Fiona's nickname? What's a nickname you have and why?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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