What Is Going On?

Start from the beginning

Michael is a sexy man and there has been on and off screen chemistry between us. 😍
Doing these scenes together may have our feelings all mixed.
So,maybe he was finally making his move.

I bit my lip.

Tasha: I'd be happy to.
Michael smiled as he grabbed my hand and led me into his dressing room closing the door behind us.

Janet POV

That dance Ty did for me got us a little too hot leading us into round two. 💦
We were now back at the set standing outside the studio gates.

Ty: Jan, you know you can't be doing that shit to me.
You really are something else.
Janet: If you thought that was something... you ain't seen nothing yet daddy.
Ty: I told you about calling me that.
It really... really... turns me on.
Daddy gone have to show you a little something more later on.
But, for now you gotta go.
You're trying to make yourself late.

I bit my lip as I pulled her closer by her jacket.

Janet: You know I love it when you talk dirty to me.
Ty: That's my little strawberry

Ty gently put her hand on my throat pulling me in for a passionate kiss.
I threw my hands around her neck deepening the kiss and adding a little tongue.
She bit my lip as I broke the kiss then giggled.

Janet: You better be ready to meet Strawberry later cause she gone put it on you
Ty: Shit... don't tempt me baby. Cause I'm ready now

I laughed. .
She pulled me in for another rough kiss that's when I see Tasha and Sharon coming our way causing us to jump apart.

Sharon POV

I was heading towards the lunch table when I see Tasha coming out of Michael's room smiling.
I asked her what she and Michael were doing and she all she said was"A Friend Helping Out A Friend"
She started asking me if I'd seen Janet and I said no. That's when we decided to find her together.

We searched everywhere until finally I saw her car parked outside the studio gates and Tasha and I went to see if it was really her.
We heard some giggling and that's when I see her and Tyler's daughter together....
What is going on?

Tasha and I cleared our throats.

Sharon: Uhm..
hi Jan. What are you doing, out here?
Janet: Uhm..
Ty and I were at the dance studio. We must have lost track of time.
Tasha: Right...
okay uhm you do know that Tyler has been going crazy. He's been looking everywhere for you.
Janet: What are you talking about? I'm early...
Sharon: No, honey actually you're an hour and a half late
Janet: Oh shit! Okay on a scale of one to ten how upset would you say Tyler is?
Tasha: 15
Janet: Fuck! This isn't good

Janet looked at Ty one last time before running inside.


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