What Is Going On?

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Tyler POV

It was set rehearsals time and Ty and Janet were nowhere in sight
It was a bit suspicious because I told Ty Janet wanted to see her before time but it wasn't like Janet to be late.

I noticed Sharon standing over by a few of the crew members so I walked up to her.

Tyler: Hey, Sharon have you seen Janet? It's almost time for her scenes with you and Tasha.
Sharon: Uhm... no. I haven't seen her since yesterday. I'm not sure where she could be.
Tyler: Okay, thank you.
Sharon: But, uhm I promise to alert you if I find her anywhere.

Sharon said with this innocent flirtatious manner.

Tyler: Thank you.. again.

I noticed that it was hard for her to maintain herself when she was around me.

She'd always flirt or do little things like go out her way just to get me to notice her.
I couldn't lie I'm feeling her just as much as she's feeling me.

Tasha POV

I was just coming out of my dressing room from hair and make-up when I heard Tyler talking to Sharon.
They were talking about Janet not being here and it started to concern me.
Janet is never late, she's usually the first one to be here with Tyler but yesterday I did notice her flirting with Tyler's daughter Ty.
It didn't raise any red flags but I know Janet, and knowing her she has probably made her feelings obvious to Tyliyah.
But I don't think she'd go there with her knowing she's our boss's daughter... would she? 🤔🙄

Tyler: Hey, Tasha
Tasha: Hey, Tyler. What's going on?
Tyler: I've been looking for Janet.
Have you seen her?
Tasha: No, sorry... I haven't
Tyler: Dammit! This is bad
Tasha: It's okay Tyler calm down.
I promise if I see her anywhere I'll let you know
Tyler: Okay, thanks Tasha.
By the way if you see Tyliyah anywhere tell her I need to see her immediately

I nodded my head

Tasha: Will do

Okay Janet and Tyliyah are missing?
This is definitely raising suspicions.
I'm gonna get to the bottom of this and find out what's going on.

Michael: Hey, Tasha what are you doing?
Tasha: Getting ready to go to set... what's up with you?
Michael: Well, Tyler is holding up the production until he finds Janet. So, I was wondering until Janet comes do you mind helping me with something?
Tasha: What's going on?
Michael: Just a friend doing a friend a favor

I walked up to him and got in his face

Tasha: I know you... what's really going on?
Michael: I'm a bit stressed and I don't think it's good if I bring that on-set.
So maybe you can help me out.

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