Chapter 31 - Dirty Little Secrets

Start from the beginning

The only thing missing in my life right now was Keane. The immortal warrior who had protected and saved me several times had disappeared. I had not heard from him since the day he had left me in his home two months ago. I had tried to call him but he was ignoring my calls. I had so many questions for him, like what exactly had his relationship been with my half-sister, and why he couldn't help me locate her. He hadn't even given me a name so how was I supposed to find her?

Grabbing my phone, I was about to try to give Keane a call. I still tried once a day, but as I scrolled through my address book, Zak walked in. I hadn't seen him in two weeks but it felt like two years! He looked around the room until his eyes landed on me. His face lit up with a heart-stopping smile.

-"Hey there beautiful." He grinned.

I returned the wide smile and rushed to him, threw my arms around his neck and crashed my mouth to his. He circled one hand behind my neck and the other on the small of my back. As soon as our lips connected I felt the connection between us and our souls. The kiss left me breathless. He slowly pulled back and cupped both my cheeks in the palms of his hands, softly rubbing my skin.

-"I missed you."

I smiled at him.

-"I missed you more." I said back with a cocky grin.

He leaned in and he softly put his lips on mine, never taking his hands off my face. I felt my heart skip a beat as I molded my body to his.

-"I sure hope they outgrow this honeymoon phase of theirs." Cathy groaned from the kitchen.

-"Well when they get the Vegas they can fuck for days without being disturbed so hopefully they will get sick of each other sometime soon after that." Nick replied with a slight edge to his tone.

We pulled back from each other and Zak smiled down at me with a hooded look.

-"I like the part of not being disturbed for days, but I'll never get sick of her."

I blushed and pulled away from him, suddenly feeling major butterflies flutter in my stomach, but not before giving Zak a serious look.

-"I have to talk to you."

-"Sure sweetie, about what?"

I shook my head.

-"Not here ..."

Zak gave me a slightly concerned look and seemed like he was about to ask what was wrong but he never got the chance.

-"Hey Zak, the moving guys need to know what time to be here tomorrow." Aaron poked his head into the apartment.

-"Hold on a sec Aaron." Zak looked back at me. "What's wrong?"

-"No, it can wait." I gave him a small smile. "Go deal with the movers, I need to get ready to go to my mother's."

-"Okay ... if you are sure ..." Zak hesitated for a moment, giving me a lingering stare, and then went to Aaron.

I didn't have that many things to pack. I wasn't bringing any furniture; everything that I did own was put in storage until I could decide what to do with it. But it was very little. What I did have at my mother's was some photo albums and a few things from my childhood that I wanted to take with me. I knew this was the last time I would be setting foot in my mother's home, and I was okay with that. I also had a few things at Justin's, mostly just some clothing and a few books.


Once downstairs, I got into my small car and Zak got into the passenger side. He had offered to drive but since he had only been at mother's a couple of times I figured it would be easier if I drove. My mother lived only fifteen minutes away when the traffic was light, but it felt like the longest fifteen minutes of my life. The weather was slightly chilly today, it was only in the forties but my body felt like it was on fire.

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