"What's up with you today, gorgeous?"

I look at Conor with curios eyes as he usually isn't like this in the morning, I'm not complaining though, I love waking up to a love-craving boyfriend.

"Nothing, can't I just be like this without you start wondering what's wrong?"

It comes out a bit snappy and my heart stop for a second, there's something he's hiding from me, something's seriously wrong.

"Just tell me what's happened Con"

I sit up leaning on my elbows looking at Conor facing the white duvet, not making any eye contact with me.

"It's nothing, just forget about it, I'm probably just tired, you know I came home late last night"

I know it's not the truth but I leave him with it, he'll tell me when he's ready. I trust him and know it probably isn't anything about our relationship.

"I'm sorry gorgeous, I'll go down and make us some breakfast in bed, you just stay here and have some rest"

I step out of bed and he returns me with a smile that says it all, nothing's changed between us, not that I was scared about it, I literally believe it's going to be us two until the end.

I put on some trackies and tie my hair up in a messy bun, leaving Conors T-shirt that I slept in on. He grin at me as I begin to make my way down to the kitchen, he always teases me about borrowing his clothes, I leave before he manage to find something to say.

I usually just make some tea and cereal for breakfast but today do I really want to make an effort, I go all in on the full English with scrambled eggs, bacon and toasts, just to top it off with a cup of our favourite hot chocolate with whipped cream.

I walk in and check on Jack and I'm surprised over that he's already awake the time not being more than nine o'clock.

"Here you have, one portion of Anna's special English breakfast and two special nurofen tablets for your back, feeling any better?"

I place everything down on his bedside table, looking at him swallow the tablets before he dig in on the food. He grit his teeth as he try to sit up in bed. I grab his hand and help him to get into a more comfortable position.

"I think you got an answer on your question, I feel nothing but hit by a bus"

Jack smile and I can tell he's trying to laugh it off, it's not working though and I look at him with concerned eyes.

"Just chill Anna, I'm fine or I'm probably going to be once I've finished this"

Jack look at the plate with food and smile at me with thankful eyes, I'm glad he's back being his jokey self, it means he's beginning to feel better already.

I open the door to mine and Conor's room and spot Conor in bed with his phone, sometimes does it almost feel like I have to compete for Conor's relationship against his phone, I do actually think that that little device knows more about Conor than he knows about himself.

Conor drop his phone down on the duvet and look up at me smiling. I just laugh at him as he looks like he haven't eaten in months.

It's first when I hand him his cup that I spot his hand, it's swollen and bruised, almost like he's hit someone.

"Conor your hand, you're hurt"

I take the cup out if his grip before taking a closer look at his hand. Conor wince in pain as I touch it and I can tell he's trying not to show me how much it's hurting.

"It's nothing, just forget about it"

I can feel my heart break a little as he says it, I know he doesn't mean it but it hurts when he won't tell me what's wrong.

"Conor I can clearly tell something isn't right, just tell me what it's is!"

I'm probably sounding a bit harsh and Conor shrug back, turning away from me.

"I'm sorry Con, I'm just worried about you, you haven't been in a fight have you, I thought you left that past behind you?"

I sit down on the bed and place my hand on his back, drawing circles with my fingers.

I can hear him take a deep breath before he turn around and collapse in my arms. I embrace him as he start crying against my shoulder and continue to stroke his back, waiting for him to open up towards me. I'm a bit shocked if I'm honest, Conor's usually the strongest link in our relationship and it's usually him that do this to me.

"I'm so sorry Anna"

Conor look up at me and I swipe his tears away from his cheeks, I'm not going to press him to say what it is, he'll tell me when he's ready. Conor let his head fall back on my chest.

"It's Aaron, we're over, the whole Parlaphone UK thing is over, I'm not signed any more"

Conor whisper into my chest and I lean down and kiss the top of his head.

"Did Aaron fire you?"

I just guess and according to the state he's in wouldn't it surprise me if he got fired.

"No, no he didn't I just told him that I wanted to continue as an unsigned artist and asked for his support but he just went bananas on me and told me to stop being ungrateful, I just left the studio"

Conor has calmed down a bit and is sat beside me on the bed, I'm actually pissed off on Aaron for doing this to him, they've always been close and more like friends than manager and employee. I didn't thought someone like him would do this to anyone and him doing it to his closet friend just makes me furious.

"You didn't hit him, did you?"

I point at his swollen hand that's placed in his lap, it's literally huge and have taken a slight bluish colour.

"No, do you literally think I would do something like that to him, my best friend Anna,  I wouldn't do that how angry I may be, I punched my car window because I was pissed off"

Conor look down at the floor slightly embarrassed, I'm glad it wasn't Aaron's face that caused the swelling  even though he still is hurt.

"Let me look at it"

I take his hand in mine and take a proper look.

"It's okay I promise you, you know I've been through this hundreds of times before in my past"

"Conor that doesn't mean I'm not worried about you now, let me wrap it up to reduce the swelling a bit, it'll make it feel a lot better"

I pull Conor up from the bed and lead him into the bathroom. I give him a order to sit down on the toilet lid before I take out the first aid kit from the bathroom cabinet. I wrap it up in some bandage and I can see Conor gritting his teeth as he try not show how much pain he's in.

"Now to the pain relief"

I look at him and smile before I kiss his hand.

"Hey I want some if that too"

Conor put a finger under my chin and tilt my head up. I lean forward and let my lips crush onto his, gripping bits of his hair as the kiss become more passionate. We pull away catching our breaths at the same time.

"Thank you gorgeous"

Conor peck my lips before I get to say something.

"I love you"

I place my hand on his cheek looking into his ocean blue eyes. It's almost like they're bluer than usual.

"I love you too baby, I love you too"

Love. A Conor Maynard Love story. Where stories live. Discover now