chapter 2:confession pt1

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Foxy pov

I was laying in bed with bonnie. I kept his arms around me. For some reason, i couldnt sleep. Then by accident, i woke bonnie up. He smiled at me and i smiled back. He noticed i couldnt sleep so he gave me a perverted look. He was about to make me his.

BB pov

Me and jj walked by foxy and bonnie's room and heard moaning. We ignored it and kept walking. I noticed jj kept blushing and looking away from me when i looked at her. "Hey, you ok?" I asked her. She didnt ancwer. I started to get worried. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her, then she hugged back. "You ok no..." and before i could finish, jj kissed me. Honestly, I secretly loved jj, her shyness, cuteness, everything, so i kissed back. Then we stopped because we heard mangle and chica. They were fangirling cause me and jj kissed. They reminded me of the youtuber Aphmu in her septiplier video. Me and jj walked away. I swear to god that mangle and chica had nose bleeds. Me and jj went in the closet and hugged. Im taller than jj so i put my head on her's. She wouldnt stop blushing. We stopped hugging and looked eachother in the eyes. We smiled at eachother. We left the closet and went to the kitchen for some pizza.

Foxy pov(mins passed)

Finaly we both came. Bonnie laid down beside me and pulled me in his embrace. I burried my face in his chest and fell asleep.

Bonnie pov

Foxy fell asleep. I started to pet his head as we cuddled. He was so cute when he was sleeping. He was like a kitten when he was sleeping. Thank god for goldie, mangle, springtrap, puppet, bb and jj. The 6 saved our lives. I hope toy freddy, toy bonnie and toy chica burn in hell for what they did to foxy. I really hope toy bonnie suffers for what he did to foxy. He abused him and forced him to have sex with him. He even raped foxy right in front of me. I looked at foxy. He was holding me like a stuffed animal. 'I love him and i'll say it again. I love him' that kept repeating in my head. Then i stopped petting foxy and fell asleep.

To be contiued...

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