Chapter 9- New addition.

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Amaya woke up, she blinked a few times before opening her still tired eyes. She flinched in her bed upon seeing a small boy staring down at her.

Her reaction didn't seem to phase Kiyon. "Ello!" He beamed down at her waving slightly. "My names Kiyon!" His smile, for whatever reason, was wide despite them being trapped in a prison cell. He seemed way too enthusiastic

"K-i-y-o-n." He continued spelling his name as if Amaya would need to know how.

"Um...hello?" She sat up, rubbing her head. Her hair was electrified and sticking out in all different directions. She smacked her lips grimacing at the taste of her own breath. "Ew..." The last part came out as only a whisper, she was still rubbing her fingers together as if the smell was stuck to them. "I was...asleep...this isn't possible!" She said to herself frantically. She had never fallen asleep in a dream before. What was happening to her?

"Of course it's possible silly! Everyone gets tired!" Kiyon interjected, still beaming. Amaya figured that would get annoying very easily.

Amaya barely resisted the overwhelming urge to roll her eyes. Barely.

"No, it is imp-" Amaya started before catching herself. "Of course!" She laughed nervously. "What was I thinking, haha."

"I don't know..." Kiyon frowned; he thought that Amaya actually wanted an answer for her question. "So, what's your name?"


"That's a pretty name! Opaque is nice to the ones with good names! They're special for whatever reason. That's not really fair, because people can't change their names, but it's ok!" He clapped his hands a few times enthusiastically.

"Opaque?" Amaya questioned, she patted the small space next to her on her bed for Kiyon to sit.

"Yeah! She's great! She could have killed me but now I get to live in this place! I even get two meals a day." He held up four of his long, slender fingers.

Amaya bit back a chuckle at the small boy, but thinking logically, he couldn't have been much younger than her. "How old are you?"

"12?" He scratched his chin as he responded. It was kind of pathetic, but he couldn't recall his exact age. "I'm not one of those teen-y things yet. Kade says I get a cake when that happens..."

"That's nice." Amaya cut him off before he could ramble any longer. "Now back to this Opaque person."

"Oh yeah," he finally sat down on the bed. "Umm...she's the ruler. Everyone knows that. Are you new here? Ooh! New people are fun!"

"Apparently," Amaya muttered. How had all of this happened in so little time. It was little time right? She didn't know how her days converted to dream days, but she was pretty sure this was happening quickly. "How long has she been 'ruler'?"

"F'rever," he scratched at his head. A few flakes of dandruff fell from his head to the mattress. Amaya wondered when the last time the boy had a shower. She also wondered how Spade and Jasper were doing.

"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" Kiyon inquired.

"Stuff." Amaya arose and paced around the cell.

A few cells over, Jasper And Spade were not on speaking terms. It seemed that not a minute could pass when they didn't argue about something, so they just stopped talking altogether.

Jasper stared at the floor, looking at all the cracks as if they were a large map. Maybe he expected to find a constellation? Spade was staring at the wall trying to count the stains. A very taxing process indeed.

Spade caved first, sighing heavily. "This is stupid, just talk to me."

"Why? What could we possibly have to talk about? What I screwed up again? I'm sitting wrong?"

Spade walked over and sat beside Jasper, She turned him to face her. "I don't know! Stuff?" She didn't know how she was feeling or why she was feeling it, but she didn't like it. "Just don't ignore me."

"Yeah, like you care. You and Amaya never even want me around! I'm just the outcast! Admit it, you don't care about me." He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air and turning away.

Spade rose to her feet. "Don't tell me how I feel! You don't know how I feel!" She spat, her face turning into a bright, fire engine red frown.

"Oh yes I do! You and her, you're the same! You only like me because I'm smart." He stood too, his gaze on his feet and his fists in tight balls.

"No! I like you because you're you! You big dummy!" Spade walked over and lightly punched Jasper in the chest before letting her hands rest around his shoulders.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Jasper struggled to keep a straight face but failed. Why was she holding him like they were slow dancing? He flushed a light pink.

"This," Spade leaned forward and let her lips connect with his. Her eyes drifted closed and she stood slightly on her tippy toes for better reach.

Jasper was taken aback, he put his arms around Spade's waist and moved his lips against hers.

The natural instinct was to pull back, but neither of the two could follow through with that act. They were just...caught up in the moment.

Just as they were starting to hungrily love their lips in sync, there was a banging on the cell door. It was Kane.

"Hey, knock it off and come on." He said grabbing his keyring and looking for the right key.

Jasper and Spade awkwardly pulled back from one another, they each gave the other a small smile.

Kane finally found the right key and opened the cell door. "Hurry up." He said motioning for them to follow. "I'm not going to bother with cuffs, I think you're smart enough not to try any funny business. Don't prove me wrong."

Jasper left the cell followed by spade. Once out, they all went in the direction of Amaya's cell. They approached the cell to find Amaya and Kiyon talking like they were old friends.

"Who's that?" Jasper asked.

"None of your business," Kane replied. "If he wants you to know he will tell you." Kane said simply as he opened Amaya's cell. "C'mon, all four of you have an appointment scheduled with Opaque. You don't want to be late."

Well... Jasper and Spade huh? update. Hope you like.
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