Chapter two - Mission Accomplished.

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Amaya raced up the old, worn staircase to her bedroom. Something she had been warned countless times not to do. The stairs were not at all sturdy, they could very well fall apart simply walking them.

Without bothering to change into pajamas, she flipped her light switch off and snuggled into bed. She quickly regretted that decision.

The fabric of her jeans created extra friction against her skin which made laying down uncomfortable. Almost in an instant, she was back up and changed into sleeping clothes.

Within minutes, she was snoring. Loudly. Her chest rose and fell peacefully as she drifted further and further to sleep.

Amaya, in a lucid state, pushed her hand easily through her palm to check if she was dreaming. (A newbie's trick, in her opinion it was the most reliable.)

"Ok!" She exclaimed. "Now lets her down to business." She looked at her surroundings. For some reason, she was right outside the cave entrance. That's not where she had planned to be, but she didn't dwell on it.

After looking into the pitch black cave, she shook her head and started walking back toward her base. She was still reminiscing on what had happened the previous night. Out of all the dreams she had had, that one worried her the most. Amaya didn't know what that was in that box she had opened, and honestly she didn't much care at the moment.

The trek down the mountain trail was a breeze. The wind combined with her jogging speed made her hair fly behind her. The trail was straight down hill, she had always loved running downhill. Who doesn't? It's exhilarating.

Her feet pounding on the dirt sent dust flying everywhere. By the end of the trail she was panting hard, but she'd had fun nonetheless.

With a clear head and a backpack full of diamonds, she walked in the direction of her base.

It was a dome shaped hut shared between her and her best friends. Spade and Jasper. They had been with her for as long as She could remember. And Amaya had a near impeccable memory.

She was getting nearer to her destination. She couldn't wait to see the looks on her friends faces when they saw the gemstones.

With all the money they could potentially receive from them, they could get some serious tech upgrades. They were badly needed, the base was practically running off of prototype rooted Gameboy systems and calculators.

She jogged the rest of the way to the secluded base. There were so many trees surrounding it, you wouldn't see it if you didn't have your eyes peeled. The scenery was beautiful.

There were pretty wildflowers of all colors scattered around; there was a natural, refreshing pond within walking distance. The ducks and reptiles loved to gather around.

She knocked her their secret knock. Two knocks, then three, then one. Almost instantly, the door swung open revealing Jasper's grinning face.

"Amaya you're back! Did the mission go well? Have the diamonds? We didn't keep in touch, are you all right?"

He continued to pester Amaya with his annoying game of twenty questions but she tried her best to tune him out. "Oh my goodness, shut up."

Pushing past him, Amaya walked over to a nearby table and set her pack down roughly, spilling the diamonds out into the table.

Jaspers eyes widened and he counted them. "O-one, two, three, four, f-five!" he exclaimed grabbing Amaya by the shoulders and jumping up and down.

"Do you know what this means!?" He practically shouted into Amaya's face. His eyebrows raised to the point of almost falling off of his face.

"That you can count to five?"

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