"Feels like it's been a lot longer since we've seen her than other times." Shachi added. "I wonder if she's ok, wherever she is."

"Lexi can take care of herself, I'm sure." Law finally said, hoping to bring the discussion to a close. He was missing the silence right about now. Then, feeling strangely apprehensive, he narrowed his eyes. "Though, it has been quite a long time since we've seen her."

There was always the possibility that she simply decided to change direction and head somewhere else, in which case they would never know exactly what happened to the mysteriously kind and strange woman they'd grown to enjoy fleetingly bumping into. At one time he would have welcomed the probability of her never seeing them again, trusting her less than he could throw her. Most of it wasn't even having to do with her directly, but the byproduct of having to survive in hell for a prolonged period of time. Though, since last time, he'd felt he hadn't exactly been fair with her up to this point.

Lexi was trustworthy, as she'd demonstrated by saving them from those bandits. There was no skirting that issue. While they may not know much about her, she had saved their lives, and that wasn't to be taken lightly. At least in Law's opinion. She had every opportunity to leave them be, but she risked her own safety by firing her weapon for their sake. There were very few people Law would do the same for. So saying, he was willing to give her a chance.

One chance. No others.

And if she were to ruin that chance...

He wouldn't allow her the opportunity to try again.

It was a sobering thought, but a necessary one. For as tough and stoic as Law had come to be in the apocalypse, he didn't exactly cherish the thought of killing the brunette but if it came down to it he wouldn't hesitate. In fact, he hoped that she'd prove to be a genuine ally. God knew they could always use another pair of eyes to watch their backs. She could hold her own with a gun or knife. Maybe they didn't have the food enough for another mouth to feed, but hey...

Law frowned, stopping his train of thought before it could go any further. Here he was, already thinking that she'd join their little group. That was jumping the gun a bit. First things first, of course. They'd have to see her again, not only to evaluate her once more, just for good measure and Law's peace of mind, but to thank her properly for saving their lives.

So lost in his thoughts, Law almost didn't bring his weapon up in time to slice the head of the zombie before it got too close. Only the sudden noise of it's loud groan snapped him out of his reverie, and by then, it was a lot closer than was comfortable. A bit startled, he flicked his wrists and chopped the head from it's shoulders, felling it with a loud thud.

"You space out or something?" Shachi questioned, taking care of the last of the zombies, which him and Penguin had taken care of while Law hadn't been paying attention. He pulled his knife free from its skull and walked over towards him. "You ok?"

As if he weren't seeing properly, he waved his hand in front of Law's eyes just to be sure. Giving the hatted man a bland look, Law pushed his hand away and shook his head. "I'm fine."

He set off walking down the road again, the large expanses of meadow on either side of them. It all made them feel so much smaller. Unfortunately, before Law could dwell on their surroundings any further, he felt a hand pulling on his shoulder annoyingly.

"What are you thinking about anyways? You've had this faraway look for like ten minutes." Pushing up on his other side was Penguin, that knowing grin in place. "You daydreaming about Lexi, yeah?"

"No." Law denied shortly, glaring daggers at his friend. Unintentionally, it came across so obviously like the lie it really was. Not that they would have believed it anyways, but still. "Why would I be doing that?"

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