Luc: Change of plans. Something serious came up but we'll see you soon...

Trying to shake off the feeling that something is incredibly wrong I do my best to focus back on the conversation.

 "The wolves are freaking out. They know it had to be an insider who took down Vincent last night, seeing as no one could have been anywhere near him. "

"Did anyone suspect it was you?"

Aiden shakes his head.  "No, not yet. But, they're gonna figure it out, which pretty much means I'm screwed unless we come up with a plan. "

Hayley bites her lip but I step up with an idea.  "Call a meeting. The whole pack, tonight. If they're so scared, now's the perfect time to convince them they need to ditch Esther. " I swing my feet off his lap and stand up.

Aiden holds up the hand that wears his ring. "She gave them moonlight rings."

"Well, those rings make you slaves." I walk over and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. With my other hand, I motion for him to hand me his moonlight ring. But he backs away scared, shaking his head in denial looking at his ring.

"No! They make us powerful. We were exiles before, but now we run the city! The vampires are scared of us, and nobody, including me, is just gonna walk away from that because..."

Jackson stands up to come to my defense, but I hold out my hand and giving him a look to calm down. None of this goes unnoticed by Hayley who looks between the two of us looking slightly jealous.  "Set the damn meeting."  Jackson walks away. Hayley gives Aiden a look before she catches up with him near the dock of the pond, where he has just opened a can of beer. 

I hesitate to follow the two, but with Aiden walking off I head towards the pair. Quickly hiding behind a tree I listen in as the two of them talk. Its been less a day since we kissed in St. Anne's, he'd hardly said two words to me and I was slightly nervous. I knew they were betrothed and had it been back in the 1600s I wouldn't have questioned it. I knew better and could only imagine what my parents would say if they saw me now, I was a mess and yet still I wanted what I knew I shouldn't have.

"So, are you gonna work on a rousing speech, or just get day-drunk?" 

"Little bit of both."

Hayley snatches the beer from him.  "Jack, it's ten A.M."   Jackson turns away from her and goes to lean against the boathouse. Next to him is a small table covered in books, and he grabs a brown, leather-bound journal off of the top of a pile. I recognize it as the journal he showed me that contained information on the Unification ritual.

"You know, for months, I wrote down every single word Ansel said. The entire history of our people. If only I'd known he was Klaus' father, I would have asked him a hell of a lot more. You know, I was up all night looking through this, trying to find something, anything that will help me figure out how to get our people back together."   He tosses the book back onto the table. 

"Let me guess... no such luck?" Hayley sighs, tired from the lack of answers.

Jackson sighs.   "Nothing viable. And now, Ansel's dead... along with Ollie. So, forgive me if I need a beer, 'cause right now, I can use all the help I can get." Jackson grabs his drink and walks away. Once he's out of sight, Hayley surreptitiously grabs the brown leather journal so she can read it. Shaking my head, realizing the Jackson needs a talking to or a smack upside the head I follow him.

Jackson is chopping firewood near his trailer when I find him. "So... are you going to tell her about the ritual or are you going to let her read it for herself?" He stops chopping wood to look at me as I cross my arms.

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