Chapter 8

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When I woke the next morning I felt surprisingly cheerful, I got Olivia up and off to school and then asked my mum if she could drop me home.

She agreed reluctantly, she likes having me stay at their house so she can take care of me. My parents are worried about me, but I've assured them that I'll be fine.

Mel's called twice this morning already to see if I'm okay. I'm still upset with her for lying to me all these years, but at the same time I understand why she did it. I know she was only trying to protect me from the painful truth.

It's Michael I blame, he had no right putting Mel in that position. He's always known how close we are and to make her lie to me like that, well I am just so angry at him right now.

Once I'm back home I take a nice long soak and change into some fresh clothes.

Mel's agreed to come over and help me take Michael's things to the charity shop. I would of driven myself but my ankle is still painful to walk on and my ribs are quite tender.

I feel really embarrassed and ashamed of the way I behaved the other night. I'm a terrible role model for my impressionable teenage daughter.

Mel's car pulls into my driveway and I open the door to greet her.

"Hey how are you feeling?" She asks.

"Better thanks."

"So where do you want to start?" She asks as she eyes up the huge stack of black bin bags I have piled up in a corner.

"Jesus" She laughs " did you literally pack up everything the man owned?"

"Yeah" I answer honestly.

"Why Danielle?"

She looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Listen, I know that you are crazy mad at Michael right now, and you have every right to be. But one day when things get better, and they will get better. Your going to wish that you'd kept the things of Michael's that were precious to you."

I nod my head at her in agreement.

"Will you help me sort through it all?"

"Of course."

We spent the next couple of hours going through everything.

All of his clothes we boxed up for the charity shop, except his wedding suit. I needed to keep hold of that memory. Some stuff I threw out and the rest I decided to keep for Olivia. By the time we'd finished I ended up keeping more than I was giving away, but it's only right that Olivia has things to remember him by.

I hobble towards Mel's car whilst she starts loading the boxes into the boot.

She smiles at me as she climbs in the driver's side and starts the car, but it doesn't reach her eyes. I sense an awkwardness between us and it makes me uneasy.

"Mel what is it?" I ask "tell me what's bothering you."

"I just feel like I've damaged our friendship by not telling you the truth,"she says sadly.

"And when I thought that you had harmed yourself that night, I swear I nearly died. Your like a sister to me, I don't want to lose you that's all."

"Mel your my best friend and nothing can ruin that. I won't lie, I was absolutely furious with you for not telling me, but now that I've had time to think about it, I know you would never do anything to deliberately hurt me."

I smile warmly at her and give her a side hug, careful not to hurt my ribs.

"Besides" I continue " How could I be beavis with out my butthead" I joke.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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