Chapter 5

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At some point I must of cried myself to sleep, because when I wake up I'm curled up on my bed with that dreaded picture beside me. I keep looking at it over and over hoping that the image will change and it won't be her.

Why would my husband have a picture of her in his wallet? I don't understand. I keep telling myself that there's probably a really good explanation, but the little boy in the photo with her, tells me otherwise.

My stomach is in knots, I feel mentally exhausted. I don't think I can take anymore heartache. I want to drink myself into a complete stupor, anything to numb this unbearable pain.

Determined to get to the bottom of all this, I charge out of my room like a mad woman. "Olivia! get ready your going to grandma's for a while." I holler as I run down the stairs.

"I don't want to go to grandma's," she whines. "And anyway, I thought I was grounded!"

"Yeah well you are, starting tomorrow. I have something important I need to do okay. It's just for a little while I promise."

I grab the photo and put it in my pocket, I don't want to hear any bullshit lies this time. Not when I have the evidence right in front of me.

When we get to my parents house my mum instantly knows that there's something wrong.

"Is everything alright Danielle? you look awfully pale" my mum says concerned.

"Yes I'm fine, I start to say but she gives me that look. You know the one that says I'm your mother, I know everything about you so don't even try lying to me.

"Okay I'm not fine. I'll explain later alright. I just need to go out for a bit." I tell her.

"Okay, well Olivia can stay here as long as you need." She says.

"Thanks mum, I can always count on you." I say tearfully.

"Of course you can count on me. What is this about? Your worrying me." She says concerned.

"Nothing, be back soon" I say as I make my way out the door.

I jump back in my car, my hearts beating like crazy and my hands are shaking. I'm so angry right now I really shouldn't be driving in this state.

I slam my foot on the accelerator and drive like a maniac until I finally pull up outside Mel's house.

It's after six so she should be home from work by now. If not I will wait. I make my way up to her front door and ring the bell.

No answer.

I ring again.

Still no answer.

I bend down and peer through the letter box. I know she's home, I can hear the tv.

"Mel I know your in there! Answer the Fucking door." I scream.

I wait a minute to see if she comes to the door, just as I'm about to start kicking it, I hear the latch click from inside.

The door slowly opens and then Mel comes into view.

She looks at me sheepishly and it takes every bit of self restraint I have not to slap her.

She opens the door wider and gestures for me to come in.

I barge past her and storm into her kitchen. She follows closely behind me but doesn't say a word.

I pull the photo out of my pocket and slap it down on the kitchen table.

"Start talking" I say surprisingly calm.

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