The Tale of the Smothered Burrito

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It was a normal day like any other. Sanity had just come back from the Alternates' realm after a long day.

"That guy was a total jerk. I showed him," said Insanity wiping off some dust.

"You probably shouldn't have gone so far," responded Sanity. They both laughed at the remark.

Suddenly Sanity's stomach growled. "I think I'm hungry," Sanity said.

"This is the perfect opportunity to mess with Sanity," thought Insanity.

"Why don't we go to Taco Bell? I heard the Smothered Burrito is delicious!" she said.

Sanity thought about it for a while. She hesitated but at this point she was so hungry she could eat a whoel buffet!
"Sure why not?" she answered.

All was going according to plan. Both of them went to Taco Bell to eat.

"Ugh! Why do people keep asking questions I told them not to?!" exclaimed Insanity as they walked into the building.

"Be nice. They may have forgot," Sanity said. Both of them then walked over to the counter.

"May I help you?" the guy at the counter said. Strangely he only had 'C. M.' on his nametag which is most likely his initials.

"Yeah, two Smothered Burritos please," Sanity said.

"And make it quick, I'm hungry," Insanity snapped.

The guy then brought their orders. "That'll be $10.50," he said as he looked over to Insanity.

"Oh I don't have a wallet. I have no need for stupid mortal money," she responded.

"Don't worry I'll pay for it," Sanity said as she handed to money over to the man.

Both of them then went to sit down to eat. Sanity then said, "Be right back, I gotta go use the bathroom real quick."

"Yeah sure. I'm gonna start to eat anyway," Insanity said. When she was sure that Sanity was gone, she quickly took out a little jar. "Oh yeah. This'll make Sanity's body reject the burrito in less than thirty minutes," Insanity thought. She added some powder to the burrito quickly then covered it up.

"Ok I'm back. Let's eat," said Sanity as she came back from the bathroom. She took a bite of the burrito and savoured it's tasty flavors.

When both of them had finished, they decided to go back home. Insanity waited for Sanity to start feeling bad but nothing happened. In fact, she started to feel a bit nauseous herself.

When they got home Insanity quickly ran to the bathroom. "What got into her?" asked Sanity to nobody in particular.

"I think the Burrito was bad or something," Insanity said coming out of the bathroom. "How come you aren't sick? You were supposed to be like this not me!"

"What do you mean?" asked Sanity.

"I added a special powder to your burritos as a prank to give you diarrhea," she said as she handed over the jar.

"I predicted you would do that. So I switched them when you weren't looking," Sanity said laughing.

"What?!" exclaimed Insanity embarassed.

"Well you know what they say: do unto others as you would have them do unto you," Sanity told Insanity.

Insanity felt the diarrhea again and quickly went to the bathroom. Sanity then decided to go get some medicine for her. The morale of this adventure is do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also that you should never eat a smothered burrito with diarrhea powder on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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