"There's one thing you didn't forget you know," I said.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" He asked.
"Making me mad," I exhaled.
"I'm sorry, but it's true," he smirked.
"Whatever, leave it there," I gestured to the channel he just tuned to.
"Hey! Regular Show?" He got excited.
"Yeah, that's the one thing we have in common," I said.
"And you forgot to tell me that?" He asked.

"Hey, the song remember?" I asked.
"Whatever," he smiled.
I Tasha Allison McCarthy announce that I speak fluently with boys and my friend Alex here is responsible for this, I've learnt a fourth language and that is the BOY language. And of course thanks to him!
"I think I'm full now," I put my fork down and collapsed on the couch and faced the ceiling.
"Yeah me too,thanks by the way," he said.
"Don't mention it," I exhaled.

"So how's home schooling?" I asked.
"I'm watching tv," he said.
"Oh, come on! Everyone is whining about how they miss you," I sat up.
"Do you miss me?" He smirked.
"I'm cool," I said.
"Then, I'm watching tv," he teared his eyes away from me.
"I was just asking how you're coping with home schooling," I exhaled.
"It's good, I mean there's this tutor and she's so hot,almost like you, you know,the looks and the brains but she wants me so bad and I enjoy her desperation," he smiled.
"Good for you," I said.

"So you're not coming back?" I asked.
"I don't know," he shrugged.
"What about football?" I asked.
"I don't know?" He shrugged again.
"You should think about it," I said.
"What do you think I should do?" He asked.
"I don't know?" I found myself shrugging.
"See," he chuckled.
"Can I maybe help you somehow?" I asked.
"No I'm good but I'll keep that in mind," he said.

He kept looking at his phone like he was expecting a call from someone, someone like Shawn maybe.
"Nervous?" I asked.
"Very, it's been so long," he said.
"I would be too," I said.
"You're my friend, you have to be nervous for me," he said.
"You got that right," I  smiled.
"So, me and you under the stars?" He asked.
"Yep, it was very nice," I said.
"I can imagine," he smirked.

"Hey, about the wishes," he started.
"Yeah," I exhaled.
"You gave me three wishes right? And for the third one I wished for three more," he asked.
"Yes," I knew where he was going.
"Please tell me that I have wishes left," he crossed his hands.
"You only have one left," I exhaled.
"Yes!" He exclaimed with excitement.
"But it's already reserved," I burst his bubble of excitement.
"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," I said.
"What's it reserved for?" He asked.
"Can't tell you," I smiled.
"Please tell me," he begged.
"Not gonna happen bro," I said.
"A hint maybe," he said.
"It's stupid dude just leave it," I said.
"Whatever, " he folded his arms.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked.
"I should probably go," he stood up.
"Alex," I followed him to the door, he seemed pretty mad.

"What!"He turned to me.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"What's the use of me being here when you are keeping things from me?" He asked. Yep! He's mad.
"Alex it's a dumb wish and we should forget about it," I said.
"Oh yeah? Why are making decisions for both of us? That's the worst part of having amnesia, people decide whether they should let you in on something or not," he said.

"Can we please not fight right now," I said.
"Fine, have it your way," he opened the door. He was leaving.
"Alex wait!" I called after him.
"You really want to know?" I asked as I walked towards him.
"Yes please, it's part of me you know, you are part of me," he said.
I gestured for us to sit on the porch.
"You told me that you only needed one more wish and to save it as a kiss wish," I said.

"Kiss wish?" He asked more to himself.
"Yeah," I exhaled.
"Ookay," he said.
"See it's dumb," I glared at him.
"I don't know about that, it's something to me," he said.
"Oh yeah?" I asked.
"Yeah, now I know that I  wanted to kiss you," he smiled.
"Which is stupid," I said.
"Not to me, this answers a lot of questions, I saw something in you and I still see it," he said.

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