through the years : kk

Start from the beginning

he thinks for a moment, avoiding tetsurou's waiting gaze. if he's honest, will tetsurou dislike him? if he's dishonest, will he have to pay for the consequences?

a knock interrupts his thoughts, tetsurou's mother along with kenma's. "you boys look like you're having fun. did you know you too are around the same age? would you like to hang out together sometimes?" tetsurou's mother inquires, to which tetsurou replies with an enthusiastic "yeah!"

kenma doesn't respond. whatever.


kenma is stretched out on tetsurou's bed, gaming console between his hands, his fingers moving at great speeds while tetsurou watched him, entranced. this is how most of their time together was spent; kenma playing games while a very interested tetsurou would watch along and point out tips to which kenma would give a silent thanks in a form of a nod to.

"kenma?" tetsurou inquired, looking at an undisturbed kenma who tapped away on his device.

"hm?" was his response, and tetsurou took a rather large inhale.

"next year we won't be going to the same school."

it was like a bomb was dropped, the way kenma dropped his game and straightened his posture immediately.

"i don't mean to hit a sore spot —"

"save it, kuro."

a ten year old kenma looks up at an eleven year old tetsurou, an outwardly cold expression with soft eyes letting tetsurou know everything he needs to know.


kenma was thirteen when tetsurou left him again.

he walks quietly, hands tucked deep in his pockets. tetsurou walks equally as quietly beside him. tension hangs like a low cloud in the air around them.

"so this is it," kenma says finally, adding a sigh to the end.

"you say that like we'll never see each other again," tetsurou says, casting a glance at kenma. kenma doesn't return the gaze.

"different," kenma says, and tetsurou draws his brows together in confusion. "it's gonna be different." he says, and tetsurou can't disagree.

kenma briefly wonders if he's being selfish. he'd never thought of himself as a "good" person. tetsurou can't help that he has to move schools, and he certainly isn't going to forget about kenma when he does so.



"i knew this was only gonna hurt," tetsurou groaned, pretending not to notice the hot tears streaming steadily down kenma's face.

he jerks his head upward at this, glaring at his life long best friend with fire and ice forming a cocktail of betrayal in his eyes. "then why are you doing it, kuro?"

tetsurou huffs. "you are so suffocating, you know that?"

yes, kenma thinks bitterly. yes, i know that.

"my life doesn't revolve around making sure you're happy, kenma!"

yes, kenma wants to scream. i know that all too well.

"i'm doing something for myself for once, and you're all mad at me." tetsurou snaps.

"i just don't understand why you'd move so far away for college! you're moving away from your family, from everything you've ever known, and for what? a title to your name?"

tetsurou stiffens. "you're making me out to be a bad person just because i want something for myself. what kind of bullshit..." he trails off, running a hand through his hair, then standing and exiting the room.

i held on too tightly, kenma thinks with a soft, melancholy smile, tears staining his shirt. and i'm losing the most precious thing to me.


don't ask me what this is bc idk.

casually updates after like a month? im so sorry omg i'm the worst, take this extra long thing as a peace offering.

don't forget requests are always open!

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