Chapter 2

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I am not waiting long before Mrs.Manul opens the front door. She greets me with a friendly smile that I happily return.

"Samara's upstairs watching her show," she says before closing the door behind me and walking to the kitchen.

I take off my boots and walk up the stairs to my friends bedroom, decorated in brown and blue. She is sitting on her large bed, looking at a laptop I didn't know she had.

"Hey Sam, new laptop?" I sit down on the edge of her bed, taking my coat of and resting it on a chair.

She nods and motions for me to come over. I look at the screen and see the YouTube logo. I get excited for a moment before I realize what she is watching.

"Beauty tutorials?" I ask her, my voice letting off how unimpressed I am.

"Want to go play GTA5?" she asks me. I jump of the bed and run down the stairs to the basement, jumping, full on jumping onto the large yellow bean bag chair in front of her TV. A couple seconds later, she appears in the purple chair beside me and turns on the PlayStation.

We can't play multiplayer, so we take turns stealing cars, getting drunk, and shooting passerby's until we are bored. It takes a while, because that's just how messed up we are in the heads.

While she is taking her turn trying to find a shark, I walk to the cold room with all her food. I look around, taking one of everything, and walk back to the TV.

"I brought us bear paws, granola bars, marshmallows, chocolate, cotton candy, pretzels, Doritos, muffi-"

"Want some pop?" she asks me. I nod my head, a smile spreading across my face. I follow he upstairs to the kitchen where I see a large machine beside the fridge. It is about the size of a coffee maker, but it isn't one.

"What flavour," she asks me, opening up a cupboard and revealing bottles full of pop flavouring.

"Dr.Pepper!" I say finding the container with that name.

When we are finished using the cool machine to make pop, we go up to her room to eat and watch Pretty Little Liars.

We settle on her bed with the snacks and pop between us and set up the show on the PC in front of us. Just as Samara is about to press play, we hear a ping coming from across the room. I quickly ran over to her desk where my bag sat and pulled out my phone.

One new message from Unknown Number.

I read the message and my eyes widen.

Hey babe

I mean, what the hell! Who in the world is texting me and calling me babe?

"Who is it?" I look up to see sneaky little Samara smirking at me from her bed.

"Nobody," I tell her, and she gives me that I'm not buying it look. "Nobody." I say again, emphasising the word so she understands.

"I saw the way your eyes grew Megan, who was it?" she pushes.

"Sam, it was just an unknown number. The message just threw me off." I tell her, and it's true. It's not him. It can't be him.

I make my way back to the bed and sit with my phone on my leg. I turn off the ringer, but leave it screen up so I can see any incoming messages. Samara presses play and we both sit back to watch the episode I have already seen, but still love none the less. About 6 minutes into the episode, my phone's screen lights up. I look over at Samara, but she doesn't seem to notice. I look down at the screen and read,

Remember me?

I slide my finger across the screen and punch in my password before replying to the text with a curious Who are you??? Within a matter of seconds, a reply comes with words that I dread to see on my screen. The words flash before my eyes, mocking me.

Sexy Stranger ;)

And there is only one thing going through my head. One simple word that could find a thousand replies. But this one word is haunting me, how?

(A/N: Hey! Sorry the chapters are so short right now, and that I am not updating often. My ideas are more complex as the story moves along, but for now, it's only the beginning of the story, so it'll take a bit. Anyway, remember to follow me on instagram - @whatif_covers OR @whatif_idk , twitter - @emilollipop, tumblr - dancin-on-the-ceiling, and keep reading! Luv ya bai - Emi)

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