Tabitha Mae

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"Class! Be quiet! The next person to speak will get a detention!"
Tabitha Mae certainly wasn't speaking. Well, who would listen anyway?
"Alright! Get into groups of at least 5 for class work!"
Rats! This was the tricky part. Who would Tabitha go with?
Children were dashing across the classroom to make sure they were with their friends are not singled out with people they didn't know.
Tabitha wasn't one of those people, she had no one to run to. She had no friends..
"Tabitha Mae!" Yelled Ms Hill
"Yes miss." Whispered Tabitha
"Get in a group!"
How could she be so selfish? She knew perfectly well Tabitha had no one to go with.
"Just choose a random group! Anyone!"
Tabitha slowly walked over to the group of girls who were obsessed with Justin Bieber. "Hi." She muttered.
She might as well have not spoken, nobody listened to her.
Why would they? She was the invisible girl.

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