chapter _12

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Hello everyone..sorry for being late.. so let's get into story..
Pr:will you promise me..
Ab;k..i  will promise you...
Both smiles...
Ab;but one condition..
Ab;I will tell that later ..but at that time you must agree me...
Pragya thinking alot..hey pragu why are you thinking this much..
Pr;if it is a trap for me..
Ab;I don't need to trap you..
Ab;because you have already fall in my trap..
Pr;no are hiding something...
Ab;me..hiding what is the need of that..
Pr;abhi.. tell what ever it is directly..
Ab;hey mad pragu..nothing like that..
Pr;what you called i am you are mad...
Ab;you are I will not talk alone like you..
Pr; will not talk alone...but you always imagine  someone in someone...hallucination bhootham ..
Ab;what you called  hallucination bhootham.. ohoo do you really seen bhootham.. no n.a... then I will show you now..abhi runs to catch her..pragya runs...
Ab;pragu...stop ...if you don't then you need to face all the  after effect .
Pr:No abhi..i will not...suddenly abhi holds pragyas saree pallu  ....pragya stops and look at abhi...abhi pulls the pallu..which makes pragya to get closer to him...her heart starts to beat faster...
Ab;now  you want to see the after effect right...abhi take her in his arms..pragya look at abhi...abhi walks forward and moved forward...going in direction of pool...
Pr;abhi..what are you going to do..abhi....dont do this...i don't knew how to swim please pragya tried to get down..but can't.. Abhi stops..and look at pragya and smiles...he is in an action of throwing her to water..pragya holds his shirts collar and close the eyes...abhi smiles.. after sometime she opens her eyes..see now there are standing at the centre of a boat  ....there she can see stars around her..moon which is a full moon so close to her.. .she smiles...
Abhi make her stand ...
Pr;is this your after effect than I love this...
Pragya hugs abhi...
Pr;thanks alot abhi...thanks for everything...
Ab;keep your thanks with you.. I have you lot of surprises n.a... then it's your duty to give surprises for me..
Pr;what surprises for you...k..what you need as surprise...
Ab;are you really tubelight...or acting like anyone give surprise by asking them what you need..
Pr;hey  n.a...
And started to laugh loud...
Ab;( when you become alone you may think about him...but now by thinking about surprises you may forget everything.. .each day I will make you think like this pragu...)can we leave now..
After that both dosed off to sleep...
Next morning..pragya wakes him with coffee..
Ab;good morning pragu...and take a sip..and what about my surprise..
Pr;not yet decided..
Ab;pragu..cant you do a simple job..
Pr;this may be simple to you..but not for give such a surprise for a kadoos..
Ab;kadoos...iam looking as kadoos to you...
Pr; are not are bafoon.
Ab;bafoon...he through a pillow...pragya catch it...
Ab;soon come with my surprise  sweetie..he goes to washroom..
Pr;what..sweetie..and smiles..
Suddenly abhis phone rang.
She takes it..
Da;abhi  ..
Pr;dadi..he is in washroom..
Da;k..then I will call after sometime..
Pr;if anything serious dadi..
Da;nothing beta...
Call ends..
After sometime abhi came to have breakfast..
Pr;abhi dadi have called you...
Ab;what she tells..
Pr; she didn't say anything tells that she will call you back.. .
Ab;k I will call her..
Abhi calls dadi..
Ab;dadi...what happened...
Their conversation is muted..
After sometime..
Ab;pragu...can we go back..
Episode ends

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