chapter- 9

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Pr; abhi.. why you stop the car..
Ab; because from here onwards car doesn’t go.
Pr; what..? Abhi forward his hand pragya look at that direction.. actually they reached port.. to reach the island they want to travel on boat..
Pr; abhi… we want to go in ship..
Ab; yes what happened…
Pr; abhi I am scared to go in ship..
Ab; why..
Pr; do you knew we’ll about titanic..
Ab; haa..
Pr; so you knew that.. then you are telling me to come in ship..
Ab; Pragu.. what’s your real problem..
Pr; abhi.. do you knew na.. that ship drown.. and so many people die.
Ab; haa.. so..
Pr; so I can’t come there with you..

Abhi started to laugh..
Pr; why are you laughing..
Ab; actually I am thinking that how you came with me in car..
Pr; why… what’s problem in that..
Ab; in car also because of accident so many dies daily na.. then why you worried to be in ship..
Pr; actually…
Ab; actually…
Pr; I fear water..
Ab; what??
Pr; haa..
Ab; water.. what a girl you are na.. why you fear the poor water…
Pr; I am like this.. you go by ship.. I am leaving back.. as she moves.. abhi holds her hand.. she turns.. and look at him..
Ab; come with me.. nothing will happen..

Pragya look worried..
Ab; do you trust me..
Pragya shook her head..
Abhi smiles.. by holding her hands pragya enters in ship… ship started to move.. abhi is looking through the water.. and sees pragya shouts her eyes forcefully.. he smiles..
Pr; by closing her eyes.. haa.. bolo.. did we reach..
Ab; no… but you just open your eyes.. and look at this scene.
Pr; no I can’t.. I am feared..
Ab; I am with you right.. just open your eyes.. Pragu.. with hesitation she opened her eyes.. and smiles. Seeing the blue clear sea.. looking through it.. they can see the coral at the base of sea…
Pr; abhi it’s really look nice right..

Their ship reached the island.. their honeymoon place.. and they get into the house.. actually that’s house is just near the sea.. actually on the sea.. some times during high tides water came under their house…
Abhigya enters.. pragya goes to all places.. she enters the room.. and moves the curtain see balcony.. opened its door and gets in..
Abhi who place the bag and come to the same place..
Ab; pragu….
Pr; haa abhi..
Ab; how you still believe that he will return to you..
Pragyas smile slowly fades..
Pr; because I believe in my love.. she takes something from her bag and handover it to abhi.. it’s a letter… abhi opens it..

Dear pragu,
I don’t knew can I write more letters to you… or any emails.. or message.. because my job here getting heavier… and as it’s so confidential they are not allowing me to do so.. but don’t worry soon I will come back to you… as I can’t without you.. without my love… if you need to tell anything to me.. just say to stars.. as I have told them that my beloved will give you message without leakage or telling someone tell it directly to me.. will miss you.. and love you..
Your arjun…
Pr:this letter is my belief…
Abhi smiles..

Abhi look at the seal of that date..
Ab; it’s one year before letter right.. you are waiting for him last one year..
Pr; yes… because of this gap. Maa make me to marry you.. that’s why I enter you life..
Abhi leaves from there.. now he is at frontside of their house..
Ab; why I feel something wrong in this.. in arjun… why I feel like her waiting is waste… he is playing with her emotions.. or is anything restrict him from getting back to her…
Suddenly he sees sree in front of her..
Ab:sree… why are you hear.. when you came why you don’t call me.. as he move towards her.. she disappears he get sad… and lost in her thoughts.. Pragya sees abhi lost in some thoughts..
Pr (in mind); I feel like you are in thoughts of sree.. I knew you really miss her.. what will do to make him not missing her.. k I will do so..

After sometime.
Pr; abhi… abhi suddenly turns and look at surprised.. she is smiling.. abhi look her upside down..
Ab; sree.. again you came to cheat me right..
She stood smilingly..
Ab; why are you smiling… abhi slowly move towards pragya and touches her.. he feels a touch… he look her again.. and sees pragya… in srees look…
Ab; you.. why you look like this..
Pr; is this not good..
Ab; not like that.. but you look as some other person..
Pr; other person means..
Ab; like sree..
Pragya smiles..

Pr; haa.. I purposefully do it. As I knew that you really miss her. I knew I can’t be like your sree.. but I attempt to look like her… I don’t knew how much I resemble her..
Ab; why are you doing so..
Pr; abhi.. today I will be like this.. just like your sree think me as your sree.. and tell what’s in your heart to me..
Abhigya share an eyelock..
Pragya sees tears rolling through his cheeks..
Pr; sorry I don’t knew this will hurt you.. I thought you must feel free as you feel that your sree is with you.. so you can be relax for sometime..
Ab; no need of sorry.. it’s really doesn’t hurt me.. you really look like her…
Pr; but I can’t be like her in personality..
Ab; no sometimes your personality too resemble her..
Pr; oh really.. so go and get ready let’s go out with your sree.. abhi smiles..
Pr; don’t smile… and waste your time.. time is flying… only sree will be with you for one day..
Abhi leaves..
Pr; don’t make me wait for long.. may be sree will get anger..

Episode ends…

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