Chapter 6

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Opening my eyes I took a deep breath, raised my arms above my head and stretched every muscle in my body. I had read somewhere that this was a physiological power stretch. By doing this your suppose to kick start your brain in a positive manner. As if you just won a race and were triumphantly raising your arms in triumphant victory. Ya I know I read a lot of useless crap before the outbreak in between waiting for patients.

Not that I needed a boost in any shape or manner. I had been waiting for this day. Not just thinking about this day but dreaming about this day. Waiting for the past 30 days I had a plan exactly how the day was going to end.

I was however admittedly surprised Rick wasn't in my cell waiting for me to wake up. After how close we came to kissing the other night and the frustration we both felt I would have thought he would be all over it.

I didn't have to wait long to find out where he was. Leaning against the wall that separated our cell doors Rick pulled me into his arms the moment I walked out of mine.

Our bodies flush together Rick cupped my chin in his hand drawing me towards him. I had wanted to kiss him for so long it was nearly impossible to stop him.

Raising my hand I placed a single finger over his lips to stop him. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Rick mumbled against my finger as he reached up pulling my hand out of his way. Tipping my chin towards him Rick leaned in to kiss me.

I was nearly jumping out of my skin at his touch but I managed to stay in control despite my own level of need. Taking both his hands in mine I stepped back to a safer distance.

"Just give me a second to talk." I sounded breathless as if we were already kissing.

Stepping towards me Rick as he ground out, "We have been talking. That's all we've done and now thirty days are up."

"Trust me I know." I pleaded my case quickly as Rick stepped towards me. "It's been thirty days and I feel the same way but I want to make our first kiss special. Something to remember."

"I don't need banners and fireworks." The look of frustration etching across Ricks face made him unbelievable adorable. It was becoming impossible not to just give in. "I just want to kiss you Jenna."

With my resolve all but gone with his words I muttered with little conviction. "I've thought this out and I want to make this kiss something that will erase any other kiss you've ever had."

I knew if Rick stepped any closer, tried to kiss me again, I would just cave. In fact if he didn't agree in the next ten seconds I would be jumping into his arms and kissing him anyways.

"Just go and work on the watch tower with Abraham. Make sure your not on guard duty tonight and meet me after supper." Mustering the shrinking will power I had left I took a few more steps back. "I promise I'll make it worth your while."

It was evident from the look on Ricks face he wasn't in agreement. Running his hands through his hair Rick eventually nodded with a heavy long drawn out sigh. "Fine, tonight after supper."

Rick hadn't even drove through the gates before I set about getting ready for tonight. My first order of business was a stop at the kitchen and a talk with Carol.

"Hey you." Taking a quick look about the kitchen I was glad to see that for once Carol was by herself. This was a rarity so I seized the opportunity. "I need a favour."

"Im doing good thanks for asking." Carol smiled as she grabbed the giant pot from the stove in which she had cooked the morning oatmeal in. Bringing it over to the basin of water she poured some in and began to scrub it.

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