My face paled I forgot to hide the letter on the table. If he finds it he would get furious then fire me or better yet even hurt me agin.

"Hello Abigail stop zoning out I'm trying to talk to you." His hand was waving in front of my face.

"Oh ya sorry just thinking, what were you saying?" It seemed like we were getting along. I wondered if that was good if I kiss his ass I think he would start to wonder what I was up too.

"I was saying.... that what I said last night....I didn't mean it I'm not trying to be rude but um.. I....could never like you like that." He said the sentences with so much pauses and stuttering it made me question if he really meant it or not. Any happiness that I felt this morning was gone.

"Toby I said I didn't hate you and Im glad you don't like me." This was true I didn't want him to like me so I wouldn't feel guilty about the letter but I never said I didn't like him.

"Really?" His confused face made me giggle "Yes Toby really."

"Well then lets go make breakfast and I....what's that?" He pointed to the desk. Oh shit I'm screwed I'm screwed I'm screwed big time... "Toby Im so sorry I didn't think it was a bad idea I mean you hur-."

He cut me off "No Abigail thanks I was going to have you straighten up the papers anyway but you already did and you cleaned my desk wow your such a good girl come here Abigail."

I was in shock I thought for sure he saw the letter but turns out he thought I cleaned it for him. I walk up to him and he have me a heart warming bear hug. It didn't seem like Toby to do this but I won't argue I get to hug him.

His scent made me just want to....
Ok enough of the dirty thoughts my subconscious told me. I stopped mid track while he's making breakfast I had time to hide the letter but it would have to be somewhere he would never find it somewhere I would remember.

I placed it on the top shelve in his closet. When I grabbed it to make sure it didn't fall codes, passwords and numbers fell with it. I smile looks like I don't have to look for those passwords no longer. I put it back up there where he would never find them.

Toby's voice startled me.

"Why are you in my closet?"

"I was picking out a warm outfit for your to go to work in." It seemed believable to me. "Okay Abigail let me make this clear for you here take my hand."

Did he want me to hold his hand I looked away to hold in my blush.

"Ok" I say softly then he took it and yanked me outside not exactly what I had in mind but I got to hold his hand.

"Close your eyes." I did as I was told. "Now reopen them." I opened them and I had to squint because the sun got in my eyes.

"Toby that's not funny that hurt my eyes and what does this have to do with your closet anyway?" I was getting rather annoyed because of Toby.

"Why did you squint?"

"The sun got in my eyes idiot."

"Is the sun hot or cold?"

"Toby I don't have time for this-"

"Answer the damn question Abigail!"

"It's hot okay, it's hot!"

"Yes princess so I don't think I need warm clothes on my way to work." He said grabbing my hand and there came that damn blush.

"I'll just uh... I'll just go pick out something different." I was embarrassed I thought my cover up was good but it happened to be shit.

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