Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

"Is she awake?" I hear someone whisper softly. It sounded like Soda. "Shake her" I hear Steve say and moments later I feel four large hands shake me like if I didn't wake up the world would end and everyone would die. "What the hell?!" I scream and my body shoots up. "She's aliveeee" Steve screams like a mad scientist. "Yeah alive and well now get out" I say and put the covers over my head. "One two three" Soda says and they both tackle me crushing my bones. "Get off me you demons" I yell and we all start laughing. "Ok ok, I'll get out of bed. Just let me get ready first" I say giving in to their attempts of getting me out of bed. At least they didn't pour water over my head this time. "Victory" Soda yells waving his hands in the air. "Yeah yeah, now get out" I say rolling my eyes.

I force myself out of bed and throw on a black T-shirt Jeans and an old pair of chuck Taylor's. I put my hair up into a ponytail and walk out of the room. When I walk into the kitchen I see Dally there smoking a cigarette. Man I wish I had one of those. But most of all i really hope he doesn't remember what happened yesterday... "Hey, riles" he says in his normal cocky tone of voice. "Hey Dal" I say and start making some eggs. I still have my back turned to him when I feel his hands wrap around my waist making goosebumps rise on my skin. I turn around and remove his hands from my waist. He smirks at me and I glare at him. His face softens a little and he moves closer to me again. "You know" he starts and puts my hand on his heart "I have a heart to- and it's not as cold as you think" I look at him for a moment and couldn't help but notice how perfect his lips look and the desperation he had in his eyes. But that instantly changed to sadness to yet another blank stare. "Dally I-" I start but he cuts me off and says "I'll see you at the movies later" and with that he left me there in the kitchen completely terrified yet utterly wonderstruck.

Thanks to Dally, my eggs burned... But I really didn't care. What he said will forever be printed into my mind like it was burned there. What does he mean? He's normally never like that. He hates everything and anything and suddenly he's acting like he cares about me... But what if he does? No, he can't. This is Dallas Winston we are talking about. He can't feel. But what if that's all just an act? What if he actually does care? But he would never care about me in that way? I mean he couldn't? Right? But what if I feel the same way? What would Darry say? He'd probably send me to a girls home somewhere far away. But he doesn't care about me anyways he never has, ever since mom and dad died he's been so strict and I hate it, I just want things to be normal again.... But that would never happen.... And it defiantly won't if Dally likes me. Now that, is NOT normal.

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