Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

I didn't know what to do about the fact that Dally, was in my room, on my bed, and drunk. He also didn't look very happy so I wasn't gonna try to run out IG the room cause even though he's drunk, he would catch me. I mean, Dallas Winston, ALWAYS gets what he wants. "What do you want, Winston" I ask and cross my arms over my chest, trying to look tough. "I want you" he says and gets up off my bed. "What do you mean?" I ask and step back almost knocking a picture frame over. "You know what I mean, Curtis" he answers and winks at me making my cheeks heat up. I know that I said that I didn't like him but he is pretty damn hot, and when a guy like him winks at you, you blush wether you like it or not. "I never knew it would be that easy to make you blush" Dally says and I curse myself for doing it. He moves closer and closer to me so I'm up against the wall, with no way of escape. "Get away from me dally" I demand but he only laughs and I get a whiff of his alcohol filled breath. "Now now, riles. I think you're old enough to know that I always get what I want. No matter what it takes. I always do, and right now I'm in the mood for you" he says and leans in to kiss me, but I smack him away, making him angry. Ponyboy always told me to stay away when he has that look in his eyes, that kind of look that makes you want to run and hide. But right now there was no where to run because Dally, was blocking me from my only escape. "Fiery, just the was I like them" he says huskily and try's to kiss me again but by this time I was feed up with him so I kneed him in the balls and ran for it. Thank god, he didn't get me this time cause he would have done something awful if he did. I ran down the hall and out the door ignoring everyone as I did it. I ran all the way to the lot, making sure no one followed me. I take out a cigarette and take a drag of it. That was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me next to being jumped. "Hey, Riley" I hear Johnny say from behind me making me drop my cancer stick. "You scared me to death, never sneak up on me like that" I say and I can't help but laugh for some reason. "Sorry" he says shyly. "You look pale, what's wrong?" Johnny asks and I sit down next to him. "Let's just say, Dally can be scary when he wants to be" I say to him and crack my knuckles, making him cringe. He's never liked that sound, but I do it anyways because of habit. "What did he do to you" he asks curiously. "He tried to kiss me, but I denied him" I say and light another cigarette since I dropped the other one. "You ought to be careful with ol dally, he can be- well, very-" I cut him off and say "short tempered, an angry drunk at times, tough, dangerous, violent, relentless, and reckless" I say and Johnny nods. "I'm gonna go back. You coming?" I ask and he nods. "You know, you and dally, would look good together though" Johnny, says after a while "what are ya getting at kid?" I ask and he just shrugs. "Well he don't like me anyways, so no need for imaging things. And plus Darry, would kill me if he found out I was going out with Dally" I say and Johnny nods his head in agreement. When we make it back to the house, Dally was gone thank God. Two Bit was still watching Mickey Mouse and eating cake, and Soda was nowhere in sight. Probably at the DX with Steve. "Hey, two bit. Do ya know where Pony is?" I ask sitting next to him on the floor attempting to get some cake from him. "He's in his room, and no you can't have any cake" he answers and I roll my eyes at him since, that was suppose to be my cake. "Thanks, two bit" I say and walk Down to Pony's, room. "Hey, ponyboy" I say and sit on his bed. He was sitting at his dest reading some book I don't know the name of. "Wacha reading?" I ask and he looks up from his boo fans says "gone with the wind, Johnny got it for me" he smiles and shoves his nose in the book again. "Wanna go to the movie tomorrow? I hear they're playing one of those beach movies" I say and he just nods too interested in his book to even care. "Ok, then pony. I'll see ya when you're done with that book" I joke knowing that he ain't putting that book down unless someone makes him. I leave Pony's room and walk out to the back room and continue watching Mickey Mouse with two bit. "Reading again?" Two bit asks "you bet cha" I reply. "Good ol ponyboy"

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