He sighs loudly, but I keep my gaze away from him, “I remember most of it.”

Standing, I start to pace behind the sofa. At this point it’s safer to remain silent. And, I’ve suddenly lost my appetite; that pizza will go uneaten.

I’m furious. He’s been lying all day, just like one of our best friends had said. I was foolish enough to believe him. I even defended him to Riel who tried to warn me.

“This is why I didn’t tell you,” he stands in front of the sofa and watches, but wisely makes no move to stop me. “I knew you would be mad.”

“Why do you think I’m mad, Christopher?”

His blue eyes look shocked for a second, but shakes it off and continues, “Because I bet you into marrying me - your male best friend - while you were completely wasted.”

A laugh slips from my lips as I turn back to him and stop walking, “Not even close. That should be the reason. I should want to punch you in the mouth for getting me pissed and connecting yourself to me legally without consent, but I’m not.”

“You’re not?” he looks a little timid as I glare into his eyes.

Shaking my head, I continue to stride back and forth again, “No. I’m not gay. Nor have I ever been with a guy, but I’m not even mad about this whole marriage. That, we can fix.”

He winces a little, but slowly nods.

“I’m livid that you lied to me all day. You should have told me!” At the end of my statement, I’m shouting.

“You’re telling me that if you would have known this whole time,” the blonde arches an eyebrow and crosses his arms over his bare chest, “you wouldn’t have been mad? Or grossed out? Or reconsidering our friendship?”

“You’ll never know,” I mimic his posture and stare him down. “Of everything we’ve been through, you’ve never lied to me,” I pause for a second to think. “Or have you?”

His eyes widen and he hurries to my side of the couch. Stopping in front of me, he grabs each of my arms a little rough, “I’ve never lied to you before this.”

“How do I know?” I challenge.

What if this isn’t this first thing he’s lied about? Why does it hurt so bad that he lied to me? If he was someone else, would this have been such a big deal? Have I ever let a lie ruin a friendship before?

I don’t want this to be ruined.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers and tries to pull me to him.

Shrugging him off, I walk to his room to grab my clothes from yesterday without a word.

He follows me, but stops in the doorway, “Please don’t leave.”

“I want to go home,” I tell him as I bend to pick up my shirt. “I don’t want to be around you right now.”

“Day, it’s already after one in the morning,” he says after looking at his watch. “You can have the bed. I’ll pull out the couch.”

“I’m not tired,” now I know I’m being stubborn, but I’m hurt. I’m more hurt than I should be.

I hear Topher sigh behind me, “Then we’ll watch a movie and I’ll tell you everything I remember.”

“How do I know you’ll tell me the truth?”

His hand finds my arm as I bend to collect my jeans. He pulls me up so that we’re both standing. Looking me straight in the eyes with the most vulnerable expression I’ve seen on him, he promises, “I swear on my father’s grave, I’ll tell you everything.”

Save My Day (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now