III- 028

91 3 0

Notes: (Wonwoo)

Its too late. Too late for everything. The man I love was nowhere to stay with me. The man I love who gives me nothing but just purely love was suffering because of me. Because of my stupidity I dont know if I can still hold his hand, and etch a smile on his face.

The mere fact that he's in his worst state pierce my heart. The heart who supposed give love not pain. The organ who makes everyone sick in love and the one who also give a painful scar which will last forever.

Sorry was not enough but I just wanna say sorry for everything. All you ever did was to love me but what did I do? I just hurt you. I was fucking hurting you!

I just want you to know Im willing to let you go if let me. But Im still gonna hold unto your hand until your the one who say so. Ill never slip into those hands that embrace my whole self with severe love.

I just love you Mingyu and Im willing to make everything that will make you happy even if it means taking my happiness.

~Jeon Wonwoo~

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