So when's she coming home?

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*Jon's POV*

'so when's she coming home jon?'' colby asked on the way back to the hotel

''very soon, very very soon' i replied 

''good because i don't think she's been happy for ages, i was speaking to  kelly and from what she said her mum was crap and dave was the only person that cared for her'' joe said

''yeah well thats going to change, when she comes home she'll have all the love she needs and more because they will be me and the on the end of the phone there will always been Dave and Kelly'' i said explaining the fact she can still speak to them because they helped her so much and took her in when she needed there help

''well once she's on the road with us im sure she will be happy as pie'' colby said 

i just can't wait until she comes home with me, first thing i do once i get back to the hotel is phone sarah and sort her coming home with out because i leave the UK in a couple of days to go back on the road and i want lexi with me i want my ten year old daughter with me i want her to have the best life that i would of gave her years ago if i only knew about her then im going to make up for not being there and all the missed birthdays and all the birthdays that had been ruined thanks to her mum, im going make sure the rest of her childhood is amazing and nothing but amazing! 

*Lexi's POV*

''so your dad has been on the phone to Sarah and he wants you lex, he wants to take you home and give you everything your mum hasn't how great is that'' kelly said almost shouting it at me out of joy that i finally get my happy ending as a child

''really? he really wants me?''

''why wouldn't he lex, your an amazing kid'' dave said 

''yup he does and he's taking you home when he leaves to go back to america, you have some choices he can come here tonight and take you to the hotel with him or you can stay here until he goes home? its up to you''  dave explained

''well what do you think it better? i asked hoping they would just choose for me

''well i think you should go with him tonight the more your with him the more settle you will be when it comes to going home with him'' kelly smiled and dave agreed with her 

''well i'll do that then'' i said

''well its up to you lex, you choose'' dave said

''i'll go with him'' i smiled

''right well i'll tell sarah to tell him to come and get you then'' kelly said

as kelly walked away i hugged dave i guess that was my way of saying thankyou for anything.

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