Chapter 2

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Ashton POV

It's been a few weeks and I've decided that I want to propose. It's Friday night and Luke is out so I can look up ideas and not worry about him finding out. How am I even going to do this? This is such a big moment for us. Not knowing what to do I call Calum asking for help.


Hey, it's me I need your help with something."


" So I want to propose. I think it's time I mean we've been together since we were like sixteen I.. think it's right or am I rushing this?" I ask nervously and glance around our apartment wondering if our lives moved too fast and that were destined to break up like everyone else? " You want to marry Luke?" Calum asks breaking into my thoughts. " Y- yes." " That is a great idea how are you thinking of doing this?" I smile glad that he thinks my idea is not stupid. " No idea really I just think I should tell him... " Are you busy right now?" I ask. " Not really I mean I just left a movie with Michael want us to come over?" " Yeah."

" We'll be over in say twenty minutes?" " Sounds good." I hang up and go to our room and get my laptop and look up proposal ideas since I'm coming up with nothing. I sit at the table looking up ideas and wracking my brain when the door bell rings twenty minutes later. I get up and open the door. " Hey sorry, we stopped to get food," Calum says. " No problem come in." I open the door wider and open the fridge. "Want coffee or anything?" I ask as I make myself some tea. " You have a beer?" Michael asks. " Yeah. I think." I say as I go and check the fridge. " Yep let me find a bottle opener." I say and look in the drawer. "Here." I hand it to Michael and plop a tea bag in my mug. " So proposal ideas?" Calum asks grinning. " You could be super romantic but low-key and do dinner and a movie." He suggests. " I could.." I type in proposal ideas in my Google search bar and lean back in my chair and wait as Calum sits next to me and moves my laptop to the middle of the table to see. "Scavenger hunt?" Michael suggests. " Where would the places be that we go?" "The beach, maybe your old school, the uni campus um.. " Michael shrugs. "Sounds cool." I say. " Yeah, and we could have people at each stop. " That..." I think it over and pull out my phone and find my contacts and scroll until I stop on Cam who I went to school with in California the year after I moved from Sydney. We still talk and I haven't seen him in years maybe he could help me out with this scavenger hunt proposal. " I like the idea. Let's figure out how we will do this." I smile and begin writing up a list of locations when I hear a key turn in the door knob, " Shit he's coming save it." Michael says as the door opens. " Oh hey guys." Luke says as I shut my computer and try not to look like I've been up to something. " Ash you okay?" " Fine why you asks?" " Idk you seem jumpy." He says closing the door and then getting a beer and sitting next to Michael.  " It's nothing." I say. Luke raises his eyebrow but shakes it off and starts talking to Michael about something. 

"I like  this idea." I say quietly to Calum. " I do too, any help you need with it just text me about it." I nod. " Want to watch a movie or something ?" Luke asks. " I'm down." Michael says. " Let's go look for a movie." Michael says and looks at me and winks before following Luke down the hall.  " Okay let's write out locations then." I say taking advantage of Luke being out of the room.  " Well you said the beach right?" Calum asks. " Yeah that will be the last spot where I will propose. " So leading him to the beach what are you thinking?"  " Either our hold high school or his moms house. " Then where?" " Um our favorite coffee shop? I then have to write clues." " We can do that during the movie." Calum says.  " Yes good idea." I get my lap top and sit on the couch with Calum just as Michael and Luke walk back into the room. I write most of the clues during the movie and feel good about this. I shut my lap top half way though.   " He will say yes." Calum whisper quietly making me smile. " I hope." 

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