Introduction: Happy outside the hotel.

Start from the beginning

"Because.... you will today."

"What do you-?" Evan asked, getting cut off by the taste of alcohol in his mouth, and lips pressed against his.

Soon, Brock pulled away, a small smile on his pale face, flushed out from the amount of alcohol in his system.

Meanwhile, Evan was blushing slightly.

He felt guilty thinking it, but he thought one thing in his head.

'Did I enjoy that...?'

Of course, he already knew he did, and that he wanted Brock to pull him close, and kiss again.

But, then, he thought about Jon, and how devastated he'd be if he found out.

He was arguing with himself, over why he liked it.

Then remembered, there only happy outside of the hotel.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first Vanoo fanfic on my profile! Here are head cannon's for everyone in this fanfic.

Evan: Argues with himself a lot. A Vance Joy fan. Torn between two loves.

Brock: Can never have just one drink. Hard core Hamiltrash, or a fan of the musical, Hamilton. Cares about his friends love life more than his own.

Jon: Easily jealous. I wonder, what's on his mind? Easily manipulated by people. Please don't yell at him!

Tyler: Look at that tough guy...just kidding. Tries to be loyal to his love, but usually fails. Teases people a lot.

Marcel: Loyal AF! I know what's on your mind. Catches cheating, and is secretive.

Well, those are the main characters! I love you all, and will talk to you all later, bye!

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