Seung-gil x reader

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You have been dying to ask your boyfriend something but you always forgot and when you remembered you banged your head on the table. You were leaving school and were determined to ask him. On your way out of school you spotted your boyfriend he waved at you and said "hi" you ran over to him ready to ask your question to him but then the awkward sound of your stomach stepped you. "What did you do with your food?" you laughed at him awkwardly and rubbed the back of your head. "Well you see my dear I went to war. Do you know what its like to go to war? No! because you have never been to war! It was hard we lost many to their mash potatoe defenses we ran out of supplies fast and eventually surrendered but as soon as they let their guard down we pulled out every thing we had left mostly the green beans and we hit them with it. It was an amazing victory for the green bean army. My food was a sacrifice during the dark time." He looked at you with a Wtf face and said "In other words you had a food fight?" You nodded and they two of you walked off to Chick Fil A to get some chicken and during that time you totally forgot to ask your 'very important question.

While you entered Chick Fil A your mouth dropped as you saw the line but that didn't change your hunger. You two waited in the line and finally ordered he got a salad you got a chicken sandwich. while eating you remembered about your 'very impotent' question. Before you could ask him he grabbed your hand running out of the fast food place and you were confused till you saw the crowd of girls running after you. Wait did one of them have red eyes and horns let me correct this demon fan girls.

When you two finally got to Lee-kun's house you collapsed on his couch. He was standing by the couch holding on to his knees panting out of breath. "Lee-kun can ia ask you something?" you looked at him from the couch waiting for his response. "sure what is it (Y/N)?" You took a deep breath and got up and went behind the couch so it was in the way of you and him. "can i call you emo pirate?" He gave you a 'wtf' face and his response was "No" ans you quickly argued saying " But your emo right? pirate makes it sound way cooler too!" He gave you a death glare and started to chase you around his house. "Calm down Emo pirate!" you yelled at him laughing after all you only live once.

(AN): Omg I update so slow i'm so sorry schools really busy im so sorry this is so late but it was requested by Nerdiot. Please vote, request, and add to your library so you never miss an update!       

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