Chapter 1: In The Beginning

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Let's go straight to the point 😀 There is no need for a prologue 😊 So Enjoy.....💃❤



A child was found by the side of the road crying helpless, she was about two to three years old. I was coming back home from the market when I saw her, I picked her up and decided I was going to keep her with me. Maybe Allah S.W.T sent her to me, I thought ! I have been married for ten years without any child. I and my husband have always had Faith in Allah and never gave up on him and today he decided to bless me. I picked the little child up and took her along with me to my house. My husband wasn't back from his working place yet. I took her bath and dressed her up in one of my wrapper and a small sleeveless top I found, that was the only thing I had that would fit her. I then went to prepare food for her and my husband. My husband came back some few minutes later and he was totally surprise when he saw a small child soundly sleeping on the couch. He started asked millions of questions, I then cut him off and softly explained everything to him. At first he was reluctant about keeping the child, after much pleading he finally accepted her. The arrival of that innocent child brought nothing but joy and happiness for us. The Love I had for her was beyond measure. I decided to name her "Sa'ada" which means happiness because she was a great source of happiness to all of us. I also set her birthday date on the "15th March" because that was the day I lost my owm child after I had complications while giving birth, I also concluded that she was three years old, so her date of birth was "15th March 1979"

Oh my , I am so silly. I forget to introduce myself to y'all. Well, I am Haeeba Mukthar from the northern part of Nigeria, Kano to be precised. I am the only child of my parents. I was forced into a tender marriage at the age of 15 but Alhamdulillah I was able to cope because my husband was a loving and caring man. My parents both died few months after I got married so ever since then my husband has been my only companion. Things became worst for me when I had already spent more than three years in my matrimonial home without any child. My husband family relatives became a threat to my marriage, happiness and my life in general but my husband stood by me me and was always there for me. He refused to heed to his relatives advice to get arried to a new wife so she could give him an hier. We both had Faith in Allah and believed that he was the best planner and luckily for me, Allah S.W.T answered our prayers and sent Sa'ada to us. I have been talking for too long, I think I have to go now besides I need to feed Sa'ada her food.

Sa'ada picture is the one up there 👆👅
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Yours Sincerely,
@phareeydah_  and @mss_mooha

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