Kisses First, Makeup Later

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For Heidi.


The night people get to dress in crazy or creepy costumes, a night when you get the crap scared out of you, and lastly, a night where you can put on the creepiest makeup or wear the spookiest mask to hide your face. To you, Halloween had been like a way of life. Every day you wore dark, gothic clothing and dark makeup. Your hair was always dyed whacky colors for the Hell of it. You enjoyed looking this way, even if some people said it was freaky or weird. It was who you were.

It was also who your boyfriend was. Both your looks and his play a part in getting the two of you together. Fate played the biggest part, as cheesy as it is.

You remember meeting Chris like it happened yesterday. The autumn season had just begun, which brought joy to your heart at the thought of both Halloween and Starbucks' pumpkin spice frappecinos. Pumpkin spice was your favorite flavor when it came to coffee, but it was only on the Starbucks menu during autumn and winter. You made it a goal to head to the nearest coffee joint the day they began making the drink if it was possible. And it had been possible this time.

You met Chris that one autumn day at Starbucks, both needing a pumpkin spice coffee desperately. You for the flavor, Chris for the caffeine high. You'd both ordered a frozen one since it wasn't too cold out yet. Not many people were in the cafe at such an early time in the morning, so the barista had not written names on any of the cups. When the first pumpkin spice coffee was called out for who ordered it, both Chris and you had reached for it at the same time. Like a gentleman, Chris let you have the first one.

The rest was literal history. You were attracted to the insanely tall and very handsome man, just like Chris was attracted to the insanely beautiful and very kind you. He'd managed to get your phone number before you left the cafe that day and called you by the end of that night to plan for a first date.

That was nearly two years ago. Now, Chris and you lived together in an apartment. He was a touring singer in a band and you were their personal photographer. Seeing somebody so much without a single break would normally make a person go mad. But you could never get enough of being around Chris, just like he could never get enough of being around you. Sure, you bickered over the little things like every other couple in the world but it never got to a point where breaking up was brought up. Neither of you could imagine your lives without the other anymore. You loved each other too much to ever separate.

"(Y/N), I need your help!" You heard, breaking you out of your thoughts.

You'd been sitting on the couch in the living room of Chris and your apartment, watching the latest episode of Criminal Minds. For about an hour you had been ready for the Halloween party you were supposed to go to tonight, but Chris was taking forever.

Sighing, you pause the show on the DVR and get up to head for the bedroom you and Chris shared. When you walk in, you find Chris standing in the ensuite bathroom, leaning over the sink counter to be closer to the mirror that hung on the wall. He was just finishing his eyebrows when your eyes connected in the mirror. He wore blue scrubs as if he were a doctor.

"I need you to do my zombie makeup for me," Chris admits sheepishly.

The plan was for him to be a zombie doctor and you a zombie nurse.

"Alright then, sit your ass on that toilet Mr. Tall-Ass." You command and he complies after shutting the lid on the toilet. You hated when he left it up, but he claims he always forgets to shut it.

You grab your makeup bag full of specifically special effects makeup items. One of your favorite things to do during your free time was creepy makeup for your Instagram account.

"You're gonna wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth, so I suppose I gotta work with everything else," you say.

It seemed Chris applied the pale concealer you bought by himself before doing his eyebrows, so you immediately started to work on a head wound that involved you sticking toilet paper onto his temple. In the end, it'd look like some kind of bite mark with blood pooling out of it.

Halfway through the makeup process, you look away from the fake wound and find Chris is staring straight at your concentrated face.

"What?" You chuckle and a blush begins to form on your cheeks.

"Nothing, you're just beautiful and I love you." Chris shrugs.

"The point of my zombie makeup is to make me look ugly and scary," you huff.

"It's scary, I promise, but you're always gonna be gorgeous in my eyes. You're the most beautiful zombie around."

"Lord, hold still ass-kisser I have to do the blood." You laugh, knowing he was flattering you because he wanted something.

Just as you are about to press the cotton ball soaked in red face paint, Chris starts to move his head every which way.

"Hey! I told you to sit still!"

"Not until you kiss me!" Chris exclaims back and you sigh. The two of you were definitely gonna be late to the party.

Careful not to mess up his hair or makeup that was already applied, you stopped him from moving his head by caressing his cheeks. He looks up at you and you sit on his lap as his hands move around your waist.

"I love you," you say when you are close enough to feel his breath on your lips.

"I love you more, (Y/N)," Chris says before sealing his lips over yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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