Im losing myself and can't find my way back

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I'm lost,sad, alone.

I don't have emotions anymore, yeah I smile on the outside.

But I can't on the inside people tell me "you need to be happier and stop being so depressed"

No one really cares, they all lie and say we love you and we care about you. But I have a very very hard time believing them. I'm lost in a really big world that's easy to get lost in. I'm going to go crazy.

I have these people that just want to use me for sexually things. And they all say the same thing "aww I love you, you have a great body, your so sexy, you should send me some pictures"

But no ones really thinks that they all just want to get in my pants.

I'm such a hoe, :-(

All I have to say is that it's a big big world and it's easy to get lost in it. And I can't find my way back

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