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Am i depressed?People say that i am but i dont think i am.

I mean i'm not sad.But i'm not exactly happy either..

I can laugh and joke and smile during the day,But....

Sometime's when i'm alone i just forget how to feel..

I love Justin Bieber. His music helps me through a lot .

But at school people don't know what happens to me at home. 

They dont know how bad i want to just sit in a corrner and just.CRY.

people call me fat they call me ugly. It doesn't get to me at first . But once i get home .


People don't know what it's like to live in my world.

yeah i have been bullied before but not a lot of people know that about me.

 I get in this state where i won't talk to anyone.

i lie and say i'm sick but really.I just don't wanna here my self talk because i know that no one wants to.

And then sometimes I just think "what if I cut my self'?

I wanna cut myself  but....Then i'm like "why would i do that i have no emotions anyway so why even try"



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