He nodded. "That's fair, but do we have to talk here?"

I looked around at the crowded building. It was loud and populated. Ideally, it'd be perfect for talking. If I were to get alone with Ryan, I'd most likely give in to my need to forgive him and be with him, even if his excuse was absolute bull. But there were too many eyes and ears. Just because people were dancing or seemed occupied didn't mean they wouldn't have an ear tuned to our conversation.

"Where's your car?"


After I'd picked up my belongings from where I'd put them, I texted Nakira to let her know where I was headed. We went out to the parking lot and walked the short distance to his vehicle. It was a little cold, but my jacket helped warm me up. I got in his car on the shotgun side and silently waited.

Once Ryan slipped in the driver's seat, he took a deep breath. "Sunday, the night before I started avoiding you, my mom sent me to the store to pick something up for her. I was alone-- at least I thought I was. I didn't notice him following me, until after I'd put the groceries in my trunk."

I frowned. "This sounds like some Law and Order shit. If you're gonna make stuff up-"

"You promised you'd listen, and what I'm saying is the truth. Just let me talk, please." He sounded aggravated with me, so I shut my mouth.

"I'm serious, I turned around and there was a barrel right at my chest. I almost had a heart attack. That's not something you'd really expect to happen; at least I don't. I'd never been so scared in my life."

"Wait, time out. I'm sorry." I said. "You're saying someone pulled a gun on you?" He nodded. "Who would do some stupid shit like that and why? Was it a mugger? Gang relation?" Before launching into the full story, Ryan unhappily answered my question.

"It was Justin."


"What're you doing?" Ryan asked Justin, his voice shaky. He couldn't deny the fear he felt.

"I'm getting rid of a problem." Justin growled. Unfortunately, it was late at night, so the entire parking lot was nearly deserted. "Either you do it yourself, or I will for you."

"What did I ever do to you?" It wasn't like Ryan had never seen a real gun in person, but he'd never had a loaded one pointed at him.

"You need to back the fuck off Simone. I'm not joking. She's not here to save you this time."

"Dude, Simone doesn't want you. Why can't you just accept that and move on?"

The gun cocked, and Ryan felt himself grow sick. "Stop with the fucking games, white boy. You know you and Simone can't be together. I'm better for her than you'll ever be."

"Hitting her was better? Sexual assault was better? Forcing her to live a life that nearly killed her was better? Damn, could've fooled me."

"Don't bring our fucking past into this!" Justin exclaimed, shaking slightly in a way Ryan didn't like. One finger twitch and he'd be done for. "You don't know shit about what happened!"

"I know what Simone told me. You really hurt her, man." Ryan's head was screaming for him to shut up, but he couldn't. "I really care about her. I'm not giving her up-- not when we just got together."

Justin shoved Ryan against his car, moving the position of the gun from Ryan's chest to his temple. Ryan's breathing grew labored, and he squeezed his eyes tightly shut.

"I'm not playing games with you. Either call off you and Simone, or I call you off."

Ryan swallowed deeply. "Do what you want, but she'll know. Sim's smart and will figure it out. She'll never forgive you, so you can screw any chance of getting back with her."

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