"I forgot to ask; are you alright? I killed those guys for you, ya know. I may be a crime lord but I know the line." He said, tracing your jawline with his thumb.

Tears sprung to your eyes at the horrible remembrance of the previous night, when you'd unwillingly lost your virginity. You had flashbacks of the way they'd handled you and violated you, as if your life was practically worthless. You felt a slight tickle on your cheek and wiped at it to find your fingers wet with tears. And more fell at the sight. Those men got what they deserved, thankfully.

J saw your tears and his face crumpled in sympathy. He pulled you against his chest and you just let it all out. You sobbed into his shirt until there was a large wet spot. One of his hands rubbed your back while the other was placed gently on your head. He quietly "shh'd" you and told you that it was okay and that you were safe. Maybe 10 minutes of this passed when your tears finally stopped and you pulled away.

You stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before his eyes held an emotion other than empathy; now they held desire. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours, and his hips grinding into yours. You gasped and surprisingly found yourself kissing back, and actually wanting more. Your hands slowly made their way up his back and to his neck and you ran your fingers through his green hair that was no longer neatly slicked back. You felt his hands on your hips, one trailing down to your ass, not to squeeze, but just to let lay there. You felt him get hard on your leg, and you giggled in your mind. He then growled and pulled away, breathless. You were also breathless from the heated moment. You'd never been kissed so passionately. Now, you were even more attracted to him than before. He kept his hands on your hips and continued to stare in your eyes.

He took a moment to recollect himself before pulling away slightly and speaking. "Well, princess, I think it's safe to say that you are going to officially be mine. All of your important belongings will be here within the next 2 hours, and I will make you as comfortable as possible." He said in a gruff voice that gave you butterflies. You smiled and blushed in flattery. But he continued. "On one condition," he looked at you with intention.

"...what's that, Mistah J?" You said playfully, teasing him. You heard a light growl.

He pulled you into him and he grabbed your ass, making you yell in surprise. He brought his lips to your ear and whispered. "You have to do everything I tell you to. You are my property now, and you do as I say. Understood?"

You quickly nodded, already preparing to abandon your life. "Good," he whispered in your ear.

He abruptly pulled away, and you got chills as his warmth left and you were left with stagnant air.

"Great! And you never answered my question, doll. Are you alright?" He said with raised nonexistent eyebrows.

"Uh, I'm still all... you know... dirty down there," you started, the blood rushing to your cheeks. What an awkward conversation. Way to go, (Y/N)! You paused before continuing. "And so, I'd be better if I could maybe get a shower and change my clothes."

He seemed slightly miffed at your statement, apparently expecting a completely different response. But, he regained control over his expressions and settled into his usual easy smile. He then chuckled before pointing to a room to the left of the room.

"The shower is right over there, pumpkin. And my henchmen will have brought a suitcase full of your clothes here for you by the time you're out of that shower." He said. He giggled to himself before adding another sly comment.

"And maybe I'll just join you in that shower of yours." He winked and turned around, making his way out of the room without another word.

You did a little dance in place. You were extremely happy, despite the events of yesterday night. And you were honestly hoping that he popped in on you while in the shower.



Hi! I'm really sorry I didn't get a chapter out sooner, our internet went out and I don't have any data left, so I can only access apps and stuff when on WiFi. And, my school is a jerk so Wattpad is blocked on my school WiFi and I couldn't publish a chapter until I got home. So once again, really sorry!

I hope you liked it, and if you did, please comment, vote, follow me, or just keep reading. I appreciate it all!

Have a flipping fantastic Friday!

Word Count: 1490

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