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"You're brother just has this safe-house thing??" I ask Levi as he crumples up a chip bag, pulling onto the road.

"It's more for emergencies." He opens the window and throws something out. "He would lock in if there was a ever a hurricane or a flood or you know, like a storm or something."

"How far away is it?" I ask and he shrugs.

"It's by the old church. On the outskirts."

"By the fence?" 

"It's literally on the fence," He laughs. "You can see the woods from the front porch."

"That's so dangerous." I say concerned, flicking my fingers against my jeans. 

"Hey man, it's so far out that we'll barely get any Reeper action. We'll be as safe as we can get, trust me." Levi talks as if we have nothing to worry about but nothing about this feels right.

"We'll be so far away from the hospital and the shipment dock. If we do supply runs, it will literally take days." I frown.

"2 days at the most. Plus, we have stuff at the house already, I think. That should last us until we even have to worry about doing any supply runs." Levi runs a hand through his hair. "And we'll only send a couple people out at most to keep everyone safe and we'll work it out. Trust me."

"That's a bit hard right now. We know nothing about this house. The basement could have been covered up. The house could barely be standing." I rub my hand over my face as I sigh. "What if the Reepers are setting locations on every house. They might be counting who goes in and who comes out."

"So what if they do?" Levi makes a random turn. "If we think they're onto us, we'll relocate. We could lock in at the old abandoned construction warehouse. My step dad owns a few of them. If we can find the one I used to hide in as a kid, I can tell you where all the exits are and how to lock 'em. How to make easy escapes. How to use their advantages against them. And we can relocate often if we feel exposed so that we're always one step ahead of them."

"Yeah? And what if we get caught??" I turn to look past the glass, at all the trees passing by quickly. "Running from the law? Hiding from the WatchMen or Reepers or whatever the hell they're called. Lee, they know I'm the one who got over the wall, and they probably have already figured out that you were the one that was with me. If we get caught, we'll be over there for the rest of our lives. We're already running and now we're hiding. Don't even try to tell me that this ends well for either of us; no matter what we do."

"Marcus, even if we turn ourselves in now, we'll still be over there for longer than we both want to be. We have no choice. We either keep running and keep hiding and make a frickin adventure out of it, or we turn in and live with our fathers and I don't know about you but my dad is an asshole. And I have no intention of living with him, ever." He stops and grips the steering wheel, jaw clenched and eyes glued to the road. "C'mon man, let's make this fun. It'll be like the zombie apocalypse we always dreamed about but never wanted to live in." This makes me laugh. "And if we do get caught, at least we will have been together until the very end."

Everything about this is scary. Not knowing if you're even gonna see the next day, but I guess if we want to survive, we have to do our best to work together and get each other out of this situation that we've all been put in.

"We'll go down fighting." I breathe out and Levi laughs. 

"That we will."

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