Cast Into Darkness-Prologue

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Part 1
"Father, this stranger.. Something feels off with him. I do not trust him."
Colette seemed especially uneasy, even for her usual, childish paranoia.

"He is very powerful and his influence has certainly caught on in our fair city. Do not fret, child, he is no more a monster than myself or your mother," Matthias responded.

"But no less a monster than my brother.." She quipped.

"Colette, Vicente is no monster. He sees good in all applications of magic, even the unconventional forms. He has never used his spells for ill, despite what they may be used for by other, less then respectable people." Matthias stood and brushed the crumbs from his tunic. "Anyhow, perhaps that is why Verick is so interested in your brother?"

"Perhaps.." She let out with a sigh.

Part 2
"I bring this council to a close. Does anyone have anything they would care to add?  Anything that truly matters, to be clear."  Verick's tone always had a sort of condescension to it.

"Verick, you have only just arrived a few months ago, yet now you own several of our farms, as well as sit on our council.. Acting as a magister, as it were. Some of us are wondering what you are truly doing in this town. Money can buy many things, but trust is not one of them." Linden rose from his seat with agitation, staring straight at Verick. In that moment, he realized just how pale the man was. How perfect he seemed. His eyes had an amber glow to them. Almost hypnotic in a terrifying way.

Verick stood and slowly walked to the mans place at the table. "I am here to ensure that Wayrest becomes the greatest city in Tamriel. There is no hidden agenda. No strings attached. I am your friend, wether you choose to see it or not." He placed his hand on Linden's shoulder and smiled. "I leave you to discuss my intentions between yourselves. Meanwhile, I shall be out, surveying nearby mountains to determine if precious metals may be harvested from them. Vicente, please accompany me."

Vicente stood and looked to his father and the other council members. "With your blessing, I take my leave."

Matthias stood and addressed the table. "In all fairness, Vicente, this meeting is over. There is nothing to pardon yourself from. I think the council stands behind our friend fully and without question." His eyes shifted towards Linden, who looked somewhat vacant now. "Please, help Verick. Your prowess in battle may be useful if any goblins take notice."

Part 3
"Impressive.." Verick wiped the blood from his sword with a rag and tossed it onto the corpse of the goblin that he had slain. "This magic you wield.. where on earth did you learn it?"

Vicente looked at the corpses that lay before him with a calculated gaze. "I don't know.. I've always had a fascination with necromancy, but during my studies I have noticed that it is the blood that calls to me. Some strange attraction... And it gives me power." Vicente looked to Verick with an expression of guilt. "Colette believes me to be a monster for using blood magic, as if necromancy wasn't bad enough."

"Blood magic.. I see. Vicente, we all have a place in this world. You are no monster, I can assure you of that. Interesting that blood has that effect on you. It makes me wonder.." Verick shifted his gaze to the corpses and fell silent.

"Wonder what? Please, any insight you have will be most appreciated. You are a skilled Mage.. Maybe you could teach me to apply my powers.. Develop them." Vicente looked to Verick with admiration.

"In due time, my child. I will make you very powerful, indeed." Verick's face contorted into a wicked grin.

Part 4
"Focus! You have the power, now you need to channel it! Destroy him!" Verick's tone was intense as he glared at the brigand tied to a chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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