707 X Reader ( RESTART)

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707 X Reader

( contains spoiler read if you risk)

Seayoung look at the screen for the 5th time today, you were playing another route this time and what breaks him more is that you had forgotten about him. This always happens in him whenever he will be involved into someone new or a girl when they come to realized how hard to be near him they tend to distant herself from him. He got this all the time so even how many times he see the girl of his life been taken away from him all he do is smile and throw memes on the RFA chat group. But in real he was crying inside, he wanted them to remember him he wanted them to remember the smile and the warmth he gave. He wanted to meet the girl who will not leave him even how hard he pushes her away, a girl who will hold him tight even he pushes her hard, a girl who will smiled at him even how bad he talk to her.

Today he is looking a girl with (your hair color and hair length) play the game again, it was your second route and he loves seeing your smiles. He don't want to admit but he might had like you the first time you type Hi in the chat. As a hacker he managed to get all information needed about you which is something he is happy with. He adored how your bangs flew up when you were outside, how your cheeks tinted pink when you were shy and how you lips quiver when you are scared. He had liked you, he wanted to have you but he knows well you will be like the other girls. Girls who will just leave him when they found out about his real personality.

y/n: "Hi 707 why are you still awake?" you asked as you type in your phone

707: " nothing much just working with some hacking process" he secretly smiled at this thought

y/n: " Wow that's nice, that sounds really coo" blushing why typing, you had like the meme lord for long but he seems to distant himself from you.

707: " and you? Why are you still awake?" he smiles typing

y/n: " Ohh me ? I am working with paper works for my presentation" you smiled at thi

707: " nice you are a kinder garden teacher right?" as he smirk

y/n: " you've done your research huh? Yeah I am a teacher and tomorrow will be school foundation day so I need to finish some paper works" you arranged the papers on your table

707: " that sounds really nice, ohh needed to go now bye bye" as he left the chat room, after doing so he covered his face with both of his hand to hide the blooming red tint in his face. " Crap I've fallen hard did I?"

y/n: " okay" as he left the group chat, you smiled and closed your phone continuing the paper works and such.

Time skip// morning of the foundation day in your school

Girl kid 1 : UWAAAAAH teacher you look extra lovely today" she beamed at you

Girl kid 2 : Ohhhh could it be your boy friend will be attending?" as they stammered asking you

y/n: " Kids calm down, teacher doesn't have a boyfriend okay?" as you walk taking hold of their hands

Girl 1: " it's such a waste if teacher don't have one since she is really pretty"

y/n: hehehehe you kids should enjoy the booths okay? I heard there were a cotton candy booth?" hmmmm? Let's go okay?" as they scream with glee

Someones point of View:

Boy kid 1: " Ugghh? Mister what are you doing there?" as he looked suspiciously at the orange headed guy

707: " ohh yeah I was looking for my niece you know a very pretty niece" he added

Boy kid 3: " what year is she mister, like we can help you find her" as he grad 707's hand as he drag him inside the school grounds. ( Behind 707 is a banquet of red roses for your of course"

As you walks with the kids, you saw your another pupil with the hands of unfamiliar man you had to admit that he looks rather handsome. With that eye glasses and orange tinted hair he smiles at you and you can see visible tint of pink on his cheeks.

Male kid 1: hi teacher" he smiled

y/n: " hello sweet heart and who might this be?" as you turned to look at 707

707:" Hi y/n" he smiled

You were shocked at this " are we by chance acquainted?" you asked the man and then he gave you the flower he was holding. The kids started screaming and you blushed at this

707: " you look more beautiful in personal" he smiled

y/n: " 707?????" you smiled at him as you accepted the flowers

707: " I am not really sure how to approach you earlier you look really pretty" as he scratch the back of his neck

y/n: " heheh thank you"

KIDS: " TEACHER WE THOUGHT YOU DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND?" they all scream in unison" that made you blush

y/n: " I told you I don't have one" looking at 707 he was smiling from ear to ear.


Do you want to restart game?" >Yes< >No<


707: she chose like what the other girls choose good bye y/n

y/n: " Seayoung, don't think I will forget you just like that" he was shocked upon choosing YES your memories should have been erased along with your feelings for him.

y/n: " Even how many times I restart this game, over and over again I will still choose you" you type to him

He was already crying at this you were the first person who stand to remember him and your feelings for him

707: " Welcome to RFA i am 707

y/n: " don't play with me SEAYOUNG~! I will go to your place now"

y/n left the chartroom// he sigh could you be the one he wanted for so long?

You were standing in front of him now, you are panting hard as your pink cheeks tinted with peach color plum. Your breathing is un even but before he can even speak you pounced to him into a tight hug.

y/n: " I will not delete you in my memory nor in my heart" as you kiss him ( you've been dating for a year now). There he felt so weak so loved and his tears slowly falls from his eyes.

707 : Y/N!!!" as he hugged you tight " don't leave me please, don't forget me, I am so lonely" as he cling to you.

y/n: " I will not"


Mystic Messenger X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang