He knew he should get out, but he didn't want too. Something in him wanted her to see him, wanted her to notice that he was there. Wanted her, a want so great he's never had before. He wanted to strip himself naked and hop right in next to her, put his arms around her tiny waist before pushing her against the wall, wrap her legs around him and pound into her relentlessly before releasing his seeds deep in her womb. Only then he thought, his hunger for her will be sated, but even he knew deep down he would keep wanting her. Not even Mindy, the girl he claims to love, ever made him wanted something more.

He don't know how long exactly he had been standing there consuming in her beauty imagining what treasures she hides behind the frosted glass. Her back was turn to him now and suddenly her hands stopped caressing her body. He knew she knows he's there. Slowly he watch her turn around, eyes wide open upon seeing him. After her shouting, he takes a step towards her.

"Stop right there! I'll scream I swear," she threatens taking a step back. Her body was burning, she didn't know if it was from the water or his intense gaze on her and the growing bulge in his pants.

Finally he reacts by smiling, "scream all you want sweetheart it's just you and me here. Plus it gives me a reason to come in there and shut that mouth of yours."

He decided that he loves teasing her. He loves the uncertain look on her face when she was nervous, when she bit her lips until they were redden. God what he would do to taste them again. Clenching his fist he takes a deep breath to control himself. This is not why she's here.

"Calm your tits sweetheart, I just brought you some clothes," he pointed to the counter. Taking once last look at her now angry fast he left the bathroom closing the door behind him.

"You jerk! Psycho! Ass!" she screams after him. "My tits how dare you," she said to herself.

She quickly rinsed herself off, got out and grabbed a towel wrapping her body. She then darts to the door and locks it. No way was she taking another chance of him walking in. Drying herself off, she quickly dress in what he provided. The briefs were loose so she did her best rolling it up and pulling the hem of his shirt down thankful that it went pass her midthighs. She was also glad it was huge enough to cover her braless chest from showing. Her bridesmaid dress didn't call for a bra so she didn't wear one and with her small chest, she didn't have to worry so much about it. She did make a mental note to search for some pants, she didn't want him eyeing her like dinner again.

Nate was sitting on the bed when Lillie emerged from the bathroom carrying her dirty dress. Just the site of her made his balls tighten. Her toweled dried hair was still wet but tied into a messy bun on top of her head. He licked at his dry lips at the sight of her long legs.

"I want some pants."


"I'm not going to walk around half naked so you can eye me like a piece of meat." She was irritated once more.

"Sweetheart you're not here on vacation, you do as I say and only what I say. If I want you to walk around naked, so be it." He got up from the bed. "Follow me."

"No," she challenged him. Good he thought, she wouldn't be the Lillie he knows, if she didn't.

"I don't like to repeat myself, so just this once, if you don't listen from here on out there will be consequences. Now follow me or you're starving for the next three days." At the mention of starving, her stomach reacted. She hasn't eaten since the wedding yesterday and it was past noon now.

She followed him not taking his threat lightly reminding herself this was not the same Nate she knew. He was angry, at her brother, at her.

He takes her to the kitchen, smaller than what she was use to but still elegant, not that she uses a kitchen often. He stand next to the island while he was on the other side.

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