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Meliah's Pov

A week later

I woke up and Chris wasn't there,I heard him in the bathroom so I got up and put his shirt on before going down to the kitchen.

I fixed me some tea and sat on the couch and started watching TV.

Chris came downstairs fully dressed a while later.

"Hey babe,Where you going"I asked as he kissed my cheek

"Going to the studio,We gotta put some finishing touches on the album, You wanna come"

"Nah,I got a lot of running around to do today and plus I have to go to work later"He stared at me

"You off the hook today but tomorrow its me and you,Aight"I nodded

"Yes daddy"He smiled and rubbed my cheek

"Good girl"He said giving me a kiss as I laughed

"I love you"I said

"I love you too"He said leaving

I got dressed and headed to my store,When I got there it was a bit crowded so I helped out for a bit then went to work.

"Miranda,Can you change the date for that meeting tomorrow"I asked her in her office

"Which one?"She asked

"The one with Campbell, See if you can move it to Friday"She nodded

"Ok,And don't forget you gotta stay tonight for your meeting with Miguel"I sighed

"That was tonight"She nodded

"Yes,You want me to stay with you"

"Yes,Please, I don't even have the pictures ready"

"Already done"She said handing them to me,I hugged her

"Omg thank you,what would I do without you"She laughed

"Love you too Bae"I laughed


Later that night after the meeting I got ready to go. I stopped and got something to eat and then I went home, Chris wasn't there so I just ate my food took a shower and stayed in bed for a while.

About two hours later I heard somebody knocking on the door so I went to answer it and I looked at the Door window and saw Trey standing there. I rolled my eyes and decided not to open the door but just to talk through it.

"Trey what are you doing here?"

"Look I'm not here on no bullshit I just want to talk to you that's,all I'm going through a lot of shit and I really need to talk to somebody"I shook my head

"Trey please leave before Chris get back last time just talking and being at my door got me in a lot of fucking trouble and caused us a whole bunch of fucking arguments over nothing, we not together no more so there is no reason for you to still talk to me"I said

"yo why are you always doing that,you act like us being together never happened and shit like I miss you and I admit that I fucked up but I'm just trying to fix us cause I really do miss you,I rather for us to be friends than to be nothing at all"He said,I shook my head and sighed

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, just accept the fact that I am done with you,you have a child with Alicia and I really think it's important that you do whatever you can to be in her life because she needs you more than anything and knowing you I know you won't just let somebody come between you when your child just move on please"

"The baby ain't mines, I had a DNA test done without Alicia knowing and it came back that I'm not the father"

"I'm sorry to hear that but still Trey, me and Chris are working on things and I really don't need anybody coming around messing shit up,we been through a lot and I'm really trying my best to make our relationship right and that means not talking to you"I said

"I mean if you say so but I don't care what you say I know you still have some type of feelings for me shit like that just don't disappear especially when we've been together for basically forever "

"Whatever Trey just go"I said I then heard him going down the porch stairs and getting in his car driving off.

At this point I really don't know what to do about him it's like he's trying his best to ease his way back into my life not realizing that he fucked up and there's no way to fix it,I'm just trying to make things between me and Chris golden,I need some type of good luck in my life right now and I feel like Chris this is exactly what I need.

I sat on the couch and just decided to lay there and watch TV at least until Chris came back.About an hour later he did and he didn't know I was on the couch,I watched him take off his jacket and walk to the kitchen.

I got up and followed him,when I went into the kitchen and I saw him making a sandwich.

"Hey babe"I said hugging his back

"Hey,Wat you doin up?"He asked

"actually I was going to sleep when I got in from work but Trey came over"I said,He looked at me

"what the fuck you mean Trey came over"He said

"calm down it wasn't what you think we basically just talked through the door and he keep trying to get me back"

"Well you ain't going back in fact babe I really think you should get a restraining order some type of shit against him because it's obvious he's not gonna leave you alone,I mean you have a whole new boyfriend a whole new life and he still bothering you after you made it clear that y'all not together and not getting back together, it's like he don't give a fuck about us being together and I'm telling you with if I have to I will hurt his ass"He said turning around and wrapping his arms around me

"No Chris I don't need you doing shit I don't need you getting in trouble over him,This has nothing to do with you and I don't want you to end up in jail over something like this or over him"He nodded

"yeah you're right,Aye I forgot to tell you I have a tour coming up and I really want you to go this time"

"I don't know Chris I have a lot going on like with the store and plan on opening other stores so I have to meet with investors its just a lot and I think leaving right now is the last thing that needs to happen"

"Babe just think about it you can use a vacation all the hard work you've been doing,I mean you hire other people to do some of your work at least to help you,Ain't that what bosses do?"I laughed and shook my head

"You are something else I'm going to bed"I said kissing him and walking off

" oh I'll be up there in a minute to eat yo pussy until I put yo ass to sleep "He yelled back, I just shook my head and walked back into the room getting in bed..........


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