The Voice Inside My Head

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'YOU WERE A KID WHEN THAT HAPPENED!' "So?! How would you know?!" I exclaimed. "Sooo. Voice inside your head named Shikaru, hm?" I jumped back when I saw Kakashi.

My eyes widened and I muttered angrily, "This is your fault, Shikaru." 'MY FAULT?! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!' "Oi! Don't blame this on me, ya bastard!" I growled.

"I'm not going to question you about the voice in your head but I am wondering what you're talking about." He said and in a flash my face was beet red.

I coughed into my fist and scratched the bridge of my nose, "N-Nothing!" He smirked at me, "Yeah, well I heard something about Shikaru trying to hook you up with some girl."

My face grew even redder, but partly with anger this time. Why does he assume it's a girl?! "You shouldn't assume things. Who said I like girls?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

His visible eye widened, "Oh... you like guys?" He said stupidly and I nodded. "Ooh~ Who's the lucky guy?" Kakashi leaned forward and I stepped back and into a tree.

"N-Nobody!" 'YOLO! GO TELL HIM NOW!' "S-Shut up, Shikaru!" I exclaimed, Kakashi smirked and stood in front of me before leaning in closely.

My heart thumped loudly and I wondered if he could hear it. "Aw, don't be that way, Ruka~" He purred in my ear and my heart jumped.

I shivered, "K-Kakashi, p-personal s-space." I managed to mutter. "I don't like personal space." Kakashi leaned back and pouted.

Over the time we spent together I learned to see his facial expressions from under his mask. I haven't seen his face yet and I don't expect to yet but I can just tell what he's doing.

Like I can tell when he smirks, or pouts, or when he opens his mouth to say something but in the end just closes it. I doubt even Guy can manage to read him this way.

'It's loooveee~' An irk mark appeared as I growled, "Shikaru if you don't shut the hell up I'm going to go get a Yamanaka to torture you."

Kakashi leaned in, "Ooh, what's he saying? Give me the deeds." I forced my eyes to not look down at his mouth. Eyes, eyes, look at his eyes. EYES.

'Mouth.' Shikaru decided to input, "No." I replied stubbornly. Kakashi pinned me to the tree and leaned so close my vision was distorted.

"Aw, come on, tell me who you like." I pouted at him, "No." I was desperately trying to control my breathing that was going hectic.

I could feel Kakashi's breath against my face and I was sure I looked like a tomato. "Well why aren't you telling me, then? I won't laugh. It's not like it's me or something...."

I averted my eyes to the side. "Oh.... Oh. You like me, don't you?" I numbly nodded and let out a slight gasp when his hand brought my chin up so I could meet his gaze.

His mask-less gaze. "Finally. I thought I was the only one." And next thing I know his mouth is on mine. I sort of just stood there, dumbfounded for a few seconds before melting into the kiss.

His arms wrapped around my waist and mine wound around his neck. 'TOLD YOU!' I jumped and let out a yelp, "GAH! Shikaru you bastard! You scared the crap out of me!"

Kakashi smirked at me, "So how long has this voice been in your head?" He asked, "Er, since this morning. He keeps making comments about everything." I said.

'Jerk.' "Bastard." 'Fuck you.' I smirked, "No thank you." 'NANI???' I burst out laughing and clutched my stomach, wheezing.

Kakashi had long-since stepped back and watched with an amused look. "Okay, now I'm wanting to join these conversations." He said.

"Oh, you can!" Shikaru said out of my mouth, which shocked me. When he spoke from my mouth my voice sounded different.

"Well shit. We're doomed." I muttered and Kakashi smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist again, "Well I sure hope Shikaru won't try and interrupt." He said huskily.

"Nah, I'll go now. My work is done." Shikaru said before a blue ghost came out from my mouth and flew away. We both stared in the direction he went with dumbfounded expressions before Kakashi spoke up.

"Wanna finish this at my house?" He smirked and to answer his question I kissed him. In a flash we were teleported to his bedroom.


Osamu: Well you can tell where that headed to. Also sorry if the characters are a bit OOC. I'm not too good at making everyone keep their personalities.


Osamu: SHUT UP AMBER! I'm doing a very kind thing in letting the readers imagine their own sexy scene. If you catch my drift *wink wink*

Amber: You better have at least one chapter with a lemon.

Osamu: Maybe I will maybe I won't. But first!





Osamu: NO!

KakaIru One-shots [Abandoned]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang