~Chapter 3~

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(Freddy's POV)

"Freddy!" Chica comes running towards you in a squealing mess.

"Chica?" You catch the sprinting Chica.

"There's a GIRL!" She squeals.

"What?! Come!" You grab her arm and Bonnie, who was watching inquisitively beside you. You drag them into your bedroom for talking.

"Eww!" Bonnie screws his face in disgust.

"What?" You turn around to face Bonnie

"This is your bedroom? It looks like a dump... literally a dump!"

"I could say the same with yours." You reply unfazed.

"No cause my colour choice is excellent. Your brown crap is hideous."

(Do you get the puns? No? Yeah, no they suck... sorry...)

"Cool. Anyways, about th-" you shrug Bonnie off.

"Don't just shrug me of-" Bonnie shouts annoyed at you.

Before Bonnie could speak any longer however, you shove a finger onto his lips. "Don't you want to hear what Chica has to say about the girl?!" You win him over.

"Please Bonnie. You two can squabble later... like you always do."

"FFFine!" He gives in.

"Okay, so she has stunning (e/c) eyes, beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair and a gorgeous body. If it weren't the first and only girl night guard, I would be insanely jealous!" Chica exclaims.

"She sounds wonderful~" Bonnie sighs, looking up to the roof, as if seeing heaven at that moment.

"Couldn't agree more!" You agree. "But is she all on her own? I mean with him."

"I don't think so... I caught a glimpse of someone else and heard a second, deeper scream..." She revises, still fresh in her memory.

"Scream?! That might of been him in there!" You answer

"We've got to save her! If she's still their tomorrow..." Bonnie's cries.

(Mike's POV)

Beep, beep, BEEP!, BEEP!' You are awoken by blaring sounds of your alarm clock

"Good morning sunshi-" you were cut out by a dark sky, emitting no sunlight, only moonlight. "Oh right, it's nighttime."

"Then why did my darn alarm ring?" You check your calendar.

"Again?! Dang it Mike! How did I forget again?!" You realize your idiotic mistake... you had a shift tonight.
You practically hit the wall, fleeing the bed. Despite your close encounter with the wall and floor as you almost fell putting your clothes on, you rushed to Laurissa's room

"(Y/N)?" You whisper.

"(Y/N)?" This time whispering louder.

Mistaken silence (Fnaf X reader)Where stories live. Discover now