1 : The Cold Streets of Portsmouth

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The bright moon cast its glowing rays on my black and white pelt, outlining my figure in the shadows. Cold wind ruffled through my damp fur as I trotted through the muddy puddles of the streets of Portsmouth. With every step, my filthy paws disturbed the calm, still water caged in the ditches.
The streets were deserted at this time of night. Everyone was tucked warmly in their beds, having the luxury of a roof above their heads.

But not me.

I had spent over a year roaming these cold and harsh cement roads, sleeping in any dry place I could find. I was parched, my stomach groaning as it craved food. On these streets, I had no one to keep me company. No one to help or protect me. No one to greet me after my long journeys in search for food and water.

Ever since I was a pup, I was left to defend for my own.

The only dog I ever knew to love me was my mother. My lovely, empathetic and generous mother.

When I heard the news that she was killed by a car, it broke my heart. My brothers, sisters and I were now alone. We had no one to protect us.
A couple months later, my brothers and sisters finally decided to escape the depressing streets that we had spent our early times in. They plotted to journey far away, to somewhere where nothing would remind them of the grief.

But me? I refused.

These streets were my home. I knew every edge and corner of it. I was scared to leave. The thought of leaving this place where I had always lived tore my heart. I had to stay.
So they left, and it has been a while now. About a year.
I have no clue of how they're doing right now, whether they've split up or are still together. But I hope they are happy.

In the distance, I saw the familiar rays of warm light pouring down onto the dark streets from my favourite shop window: the butcher. I sat down on the wet step. The crisp air of the night chilled my fur, and occasional snowflakes would fall and tickle my nose. The nights in Portsmouth could get very cold, but luckily I had a thick coat to keep me warm.

After waiting for almost 10 minutes, I finally I head a bell ring from the door and I jerked my head up. The door of the butcher opened a crack, warm light shining onto my face. A slim face with round eyes peaked through the crack.
"Ugh," the face sighed, eyeing me. "Sally, that stray border collie is back."
I sat there patiently, still staring through the crack.

Suddenly, I recognised that same, round and kind familiar face of Sally's appear behind the half closed door. I barked with joy, running up to her lap as she smiled and opened the door wider.
"Hello beautiful," she whispered, kneeling down and swiped her hand on my back, wiping off all the snow. I licked her arm and wagged my tail eagerly.
"You want some food?" she asked quietly, grinning as I stood up and twirled around in a circle enthusiastically. "I think you do! I'll get you a special treat tonight, as it is extra cold."
Sally stood up and started to head back into her warm shop, until she turned around and added "But shhh, don't tell Mandy."
I watched her wink at me, and then turning her back to me, disappearing behind her large counter. I sat patiently, wagging my tail eagerly.
After a while, Sally finally returned with a hunk of cooked beef in her hand. Oh, the most delicious beef I had ever seen.
I swished my tail back and forth, sitting down obediently.
"Here ya go," she murmured, chucking the meat down at my paws. "I hope you enjoy it!"
I ate the beef swiftly, licking my lips with happiness. It tasted delicious! I hadn't had proper food in ages, as my current diet only contained of strips of meat from the rubbish bins or any other goods I could find, and the dirt filled water from the puddles.

I barked her goodnight, and then trotted away, disappearing into the black, street shadows.

However, as I plodded along in search of a dry place to sleep, I heard distant crying. Not the crying of a baby, nor of a toddler, but the soft weeps of a young lady.

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