26- blow jobs

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- blow jobs -

Cassie pov...

"How do you know about her?" He said. "Gabe told me... Gabe is Amys sister" I shurgged, "well tell your little boyfriend that Amy was clingy and all she wanted to do was give me blow jobs, which im not complaining about but shes like every other girl at this school" Ashton said.

I stood up, "well sorry Ashton for being clingy and like every other girl in the school" I said.

"No bab- Cassie your not like the others, i-i care about you" Ashton said standing up.

I shock my head,  "Ash I never knew about Amy because I dont socialize with people outside my group... so I cant judge your relationship with Amy... but Gabe said Amy got depressed because you stopped talking to her... you lead her one for weeks, just to mess with her feelings" I said.

"You dont understand, Amy came up to me at a party and we fooled around then she wouldn't leave me only. She wouldnt being food to school, then made me buy her food. I would call her if I needed her" Ashton said. "Needed?" I asked confused, "sexually" he said. 

"Look Ashton im sorry for just asumming and I know you fool around and lead girls on but I dont wanna be a girl known to fall into your trap" I sighed. Ashton sighed, "I dont wanna fight with you" he said.

The bell rang, "ash I gotta go but I'll see you at lunch" I said. "Yeah but tonight I wanna take you to ice cream at the new place down town... that is why I came over" Ashton said.

"I'd like that" I said making Ashton smile. He pulled me into a quick hug before we parted ways and headed to class.


It was now lunch and Ashton texted me, saying he will pick me up at 6 for ice cream. He said him and the boys left because they didnt wanna stay for the rest of the day. He invited me but I declined, I need to talk to Grace.

I ran over to her, "hey" I smiled, "hello darling" she put on a fake British accent.

I started telling her about Amy and Ashton. "Wait... do you like Ashton?" She smirked making me freeze. "No why?" I asked, "well why would you care so much about him and this Amy chick?" She asked.

Why did I care?

"No his just a friend" I said, "well, I dont think you should bring the Amy thing back up" Grace said.

"Anyways tell me, when is your next footy game..."


Its 6:30pm and Ashton and I are sitting at this new ice cream place. He had a lime and lemon, and I had Pineapple.

"So tell me something no one knows about you" Ashton said. "Well...  I dont believe in happy endings" I said making Ashton smile, "what?" He laughed making me laugh.

"Well... Happy endings seem overrated nowadays" I said. "How so?" Ashton asked, "well, take princess moives" i said and Ashton nodded.

"The nowadays, it's like melodrama, theres a hero, villain and damsel in distress, which back in the day was always the girl... Cinderella, needs a guy to save her when she could have just left... Sleeping beauty  needs a man to kiss her to wake up... Snow white leaves home to clean a house for man, and do there chorus... Beauty and the beast is  beastality" I laughed making Ashton laugh. "How does this have to do with you not believing happy endings?" Ashton asked.

"Well the original stories... Cinderella got to birds to peck the step sisters eyes out... Sleeping beauty got rāped and woke up when she was having the kids... all these original ones make it out as if they never had happy endings... there never actually happy... and the new ones make it out to be a girl needs to be beautiful for a man... nowdays most people get divorce, my parents broke up and my dad is better without my mother... but he always says, he wants to meet someone so he doesnt die alone... he was inlove with my mum... how can someone fall out of love? So happy endings are rare to come by... so may as well think in reality and not as a princess" I said.

Ashton looked up at me, "but your my princess".

A/n sorry if this was shit also if you see the word 'demi' i mean Grace but i have a feeling ive accidentally called grace demo before...

Updated- 19/1/17


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