Going Out

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"Hey, Ruki?" Kakashi asked, after they had both finished breakfast, "mmhm?" Iruka replied, not listening at all, but instead listening to Kakashi's favourite song, "Dirty Mind" on his headphones. Kakashi took the headphones off his head. "Ruki!" He yelled. "Oh sorry." He said, embarrassed. "It's okay. Hey, would you like to go out today?" Kakashi asks. "Okay." Iruka says. "Alright. Where do you wanna go?" Kakashi asks. Iruka's face lights up. "Oh pleeeeease can we go to the beach?!" Iruka asks energetically. "Mnaaaaaaaah...." Kakashi whines, unsure.

"Ooooh pretty please?!" Iruka begs. "Oh, okay." Kakashi says. "Yay!!" Iruka says. "But I don't want to go out, because what if you have to pee? You don't like using public bathrooms, and I'm planning to be out all day with you." Kakashi says, stating the obvious, yet again. "Well, yeah, but you could always come into the bathroom stall with me...." Iruka says. "Okay, I guess. Well, let's go." Kakashi says, as they start running upstairs to grab their things. "Hey, get your hands out of your pants, you wierdo!" Iruka yells to Kakashi. "Sorry, just, I remembered last night, and now I feel a bit.... Ya know.... Horny...." Kakashi says. "Ew." The self-aware Iruka mutters. "OK I'm ready." Iruka says. "Me too." Kakashi replies. Iruka grabs his phone and so does Kakashi and they start heading to the door, but then Kakashi stops Iruka. "Hey. Stop." Kakashi says. "What?!" Iruka yells, confusedly. "I don't want any trouble in the car.

You're peeing before we leave this house!" Kakashi says. "Ugh, fine." Iruka says. "But you're coming in with me." He says. "Mnye. That's fair." Kakashi says, and walks in with him. Iruka pulls his pants down, and sits on the toilet. Then he starts peeing. And then it stops. "AAAAAAAUGH!" he yells. "Hey, hey, it's okay." Kakashi says. "Breathe. Breathe deep." He says. "I can't do this." Iruka says, and gets up. "No, come on." Kakashi says. "I can't do this!!" Iruka yells. "Okay. Just don't blame ME when you're busting to go in the car...." Kakashi says. And they walk to the car together. They get in the car, and Kakashi backs out of the driveway.
"You okay?" He asks as he hits the accelerator. "Yeah." Iruka says. "Do you wanna go back home?" Kakashi asks.

"No, no. I'm alright, really." Iruka says, holding his penis tight, desperate to pee. "Are you sure?" Kakashi says, quite worried. "I don't blame you, I'm just saying, I REALLY should've gone when I had the chance.." Iruka says. "It's okay, Ruki. You can pee when we get there." Kakashi says. "Kashi, I'm fucking busting!" Iruka yells, crying. "I know, I know, we're almost there." Kakashi says. "Just, listen to some music or something. Take your mind off it." He says. "OK." Iruka says. "All of me, loves all, of you, love your curves and all your edges, all your, perfect imperfections~" Kakashi smiles as Iruka sings.

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